chapter 1

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"How could you be so careless Hunter!" Dean said coldly while looking at his little sister through the rear view mirror of his 1967 chevy impala he named baby.

"I wasn't being careless. I was saving our asses." Hunter spat back.

They had just finished hunting a Wraith. It would of hurt an innocent kid if she hadn't used herself as bait. It did almost kill her and she has a small hole in the back of her neck, but she couldn't care less. She insisted she's okay. She saved the kid and her brothers. Hunter honestly didn't care if she died during the process anyways.

She looked back up. Dean was still staring at her.

"Did you not hear anything I just said Hunter?" he said looking annoyed.

"What?" She replied. She honestly wasn't listening, too busy trying to understand why he would be so mad at her.

"I said, you need to stop being so stupid. You're a Winchester you don't make stupid and careless mistakes like that and you know it." he said repeating himself.

"I'm not stupid and I did you all a favor. Sam back me up here." She said hoping that he had some sympathy for her.

"Deans right Hunter. You were being careless." Sam chimes in with sorry eyes.

"I hate you both" She shouted. Hunter grabbed my her and headphones out of her jacket pocket and put them in turning the music all the way up. she knew they were just gonna give her crap about the whole night when they get back to the bunker so why bother listening to them now.

They got back to the bunker and Hunter booked it straight to her room so she didn't have to be apart of the tension that was happening in the car. She slammed the bedroom door, threw her bag down, and dropped onto the bed, screaming into her pillow. She hoped that Cas and Jack didn't notice her on the way in here. She loved them to death but felt they have a hard time understanding the emotions of humans. Especially the emotions of a human teenage girl.

"Are you alright Hunter?" Cas asked from outside the door.

"Great." Hunter thought to herself, sitting up on her bed. Cas was suspicious. "I'm fine Cas. I'm just a little tired. The hunt kinda drained me." Hunter replies trying to hide the upset tone in her voice.

"Okay." Cas said and with that he left.

She flopped back down onto her pillow and let out a groan. It was mixture of anger, upsetness, and pain from the hole in her neck. "I probably should fix it up or get one of the boys to do it but I don't feel bothered right now." She sat on her bed and just let her thoughts pour in. She hated when this happened.

She thought about everything. Thought about how her mom was dead. Her dad was too, how Sam and Dean got her dumped on them. "I know they hate me. They just don't wanna show it. I'm just a pain in the ass for them."

She thought about the people they lost because of her, thought about everyone she couldn't save. "Why can't I just ever be good enough. I'm not good enough for anyone or anything. I know i'm supposed to be a Winchester, but i'm more of a letdown." She was taken out of her thoughts by a knock on my door.

"Hunter? You okay in there?" It was Sam. He'd always check on her while Dean was cooling off from being pissed. Hunter felt bad that he always had to get in the middle of Dean and her.

"I'm fine Sam. I'm just trying to get some space." She lies. He could tell, but didn't wanna push.

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything." he said before walking away.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in.

"Why are you lying to everyone Ash?"

Hunter jumped up. "Jack what did I tell you about doing that." She says with her voice slightly raised.

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