chapter 8

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"So what did you find out?" Dean questions Hunter as she sits on her bed and does homework. She didn't actually want to do it but the boys are forcing her and she honestly didn't feel like arguing.

"Well that James kid was 'different' when he got out of the hospital is what I heard."

"Different how?"

"I was told he ditched all his old friends to hang out with a group of kids who just randomly reappeared all around the same time after having been missing for various amounts of time."

"Well you know who they are so we can gank them right?"

"That's the thing. I don't know who any of the other kids are and I have no clue about what any of the ghouls look like."

"Well you need to find out so we can end them and leave already."

She gives him an 'I understand' nod and turns back to her work. She's about done with it when she starts thinking again. "Did that girl really mean it when she called me those names. I mean she knows nothing about me so she didn't really have a reason to. What if she's right though. I mean I have been a bitch lately. What if I am a slut. I need to get my mind off this before I lose it."

"I finished my homework. I'm gonna go scope out the school for anything weird." She says to Dean while grabbing her bag.

"Okay kiddo. Be careful. Also come back at a decent time and tell us if you go anywhere else okay?" He says.

"Okay. I'll be back later. I love you."

"Love you too."

She walks out of the hotel room and heads down the road towards the school. Well not really. She pretend she was going towards the school but then turned off to go to the train tracks. She wanted to smoke. So that's exactly what I did.

She smoked about 3 cigarettes before she got up to go back. When she grabbed her bag she noticed a dude walking up to me from the corner of her eye. She quickly pulls out her pocket knife because she doesn't know who this person is.

"Hey. Wait a second." he calls out to her.

"I'm sorry who are you?" She asks while slowly backing away.

"I'm Eli. I'm not gonna hurt you."

"How can I be so sure?" She asks him.

"Look I've seen you over here for the past week."

"So you're stalking me?"

"No it's not that. It's just I was headed over here the other day when I saw you in the convenience store. I saw you buy some cigarettes and then come out here. Aren't you a little young for that?"

"I'm 18." She lies.

"Well if you'd like I can give you something better than those cancer sticks."

"Excuse me?"

"Not like that. I have something stronger." he says while pulling a bag of weed from his pocket.

"Why are you offering me that?"

"I could tell by your demeanor that you are one of those "I hate everything. I'm depressed and have daddy issues." type people." he explains.

"I'm not depressed." I spit.

"Yeah right. Let me guess you're not depressed but for some reason you've only felt down or empty lately?"

"I mean you're not wrong."

"Well then here take this." he says handing her the bag.

She gives him a look. "I don't know man."

"Just take them. Here you can have a second bag too. All I need is $50. I need to get back to my daughter. I don't have enough money to feed us right now." he tells me with a look that says 'please I'm begging you'.

"Okay fine." She hands the man $50 and take the bags from him. "That's all I have. I would give you more. "

"Thank you so much." he says as he walks off.

She looks at the bags. "Do I even need these. I guess I can save them for if I ever feel like I actually need them." She puts the bags in her bag and makes her way back to the hotel room.

"Find anything while you were out there?" Dean asks as she walk through the door.

"Nah there was nothing." she responds throwing her bag onto the floor and flopping down onto the bed.

"Well are you hungry? We can go get some food if you want."

"Yeah I can eat. I'm also in the mood for pie so as long as I can get some the world will be at peace."

"Yep you're definitely my sister." Dean chuckles.

"Cmon kid rock lets go."

They walk out of the hotel room and grab Sammy, Cas, and Jack. They get food and pie and bring it back to the hotel. Once they finish eating Jack goes back to his and Sams room because he's actually tired for once.

Hunter goes and sits on her bed and turns on the TV to find something decent to watch. Sam comes and sits down beside her.

"So munchkin, how you been?" he asks using the nick name he gave her when they were younger. Hunter didn't like it at first but she grew use to it. Besides the mans a literal tree everyone is a munchkin to him.

"I've been fine?" She says confused. "Why are you asking?"

"Well it's just since you've had to go to school for this case I don't get to be around you as much so I just wanted to check in." He explains.

"Oh okay."

"So you been doing alright. You know if you need anything or just ever want to talk I'm here. Deans here, Cas and Jack too."

"Sammy are you okay? You're acting strange."

"Yeah, I'm fine." he says while getting up. "I'm going back to my room. See you guys in the morning."

"See ya Sammy." Dean calls after him as he walks out the door.

"That was weird. Oh no. Do they know about something. Do they know about the cigarettes. Do they know about the weed I bought from that dude today. Oh no. Hunter stop. You're just over thinking it. They probably don't know anything and are just being weirdos. Stop worrying and just get ready for school tomorrow."

hello everyone. thank you for reading chapter 8 of my book and i hope you enjoyed it. i really appreciate it. also if you have any suggestions or questions please don't be afraid to let me know. also if you ever need anything feel free to pm me. i would love to talk to you guys. until next time. carry on.

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