chapter 2

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They had just arrived at the hotel. Dean payed for two rooms for once. Probably because there was five of them.

"I call rooming with Jack." Hunter yells grabbing the keys from dean, grabbing jacks hand, and booking it to the hotel room. She didn't get there quick enough though.

"Not so fast kiddo." Dean says. "You most definitely aren't rooming with Jack."

"Why not Dean?" She asks.

"I don't trust y'all sleeping in the same room together." He tells her.

"And why not. It's just me and Jack. I know how to take care of myself. I'm not a little kid anymore." she says annoyed.

"Listen I don't care if you're freaking 45 you are not sleeping in the same room as Jack. That's final."

"Jack i'll room with you." Sam says taking Jack into the room with him and their stuff.

"Looks like you're stuck with me kiddo." Dean says with a smile that says 'I always get my way honey'

"UGHHHH" Hunter groans at him grabbing her bag and walking into the room.

She finishes putting her stuff away and flops down on the bed.

"This is gonna be a long case I can already feel it."

"You hungry kid?" Dean asks, hearing a loud grumble coming from Hunters stomach.

"A little"

"Well let's go get the others and we'll go grab some food."


They grab Sam, Jack, and Cas and hop into the impala, driving for a good 20 minutes until they find a diner to eat at. They go in a find a place to sit and order their food.

"Okay so Jack you and Hunter start school tomorrow. I want you to stay with Hunter all day. Don't leave her side okay?" Dean tells Jack.

"Yes, I understand."

"And Hunter. You better not get into any damn trouble at this school or so help me you will not hear the end of it." Dean warns me.

"Fine whatever." She tells him while rolling her eyes.

"Listen I don't know what's going on in that brain of yours to make you think the way you're acting is okay but you need to drop the attitude." He says getting tired of her.

"I don't have an attitude Dean Michael." she says using his middle name. He hates when she does that.

"Hunter Ash Winchester I swear to god that if you don't get it together right now you're in some deep shit when we get back to the hotel." he tells her through his gritted teeth.

"I'm in for it now."

Hunter throws her napkin onto the plate. "I think i'm finished." she says before getting up and storming out.

Hunter stormed out of the diner after her little conflict with Dean. Dean got up to follow her after she walked out the doors but Sam held him back.

"Sammy let me go. I just wanna talk to her." Dean says.

"No way. She's mad at you and needs to calm down. You going out there after her will only make things worse." Sam tells him.

"I don't know what's wrong with the kid. She's been acting like a bitch for a few weeks now. Then she almost got herself killed with the Wraith. I'm worried about her Sammy." Dean admits.

"Well why don't you just ask her what's wrong?" Cas suggests.

"Cas. She's a damn Winchester. She doesn't like showing her emotions like that." Dean tells him in a 'duh' tone.

"How about you go check on her Jack? She usually opens up to you and if she doesn't use your little mind reading trick and then let us know what's going on." Sam says.

"I would but she told me not to do that anymore. She said she didn't want me to invade her privacy and I don't wanna deal with a pissed off Hunter. She's worse than you guys." Jack replies.

"I don't really care about what she wants right now. She's my baby sister and I'll be damned if anything's wrong with her that I can't help. She knows she can talk to us about anything so I don't care what privacy you're invading, you find out what's going on with her." Dean spits.

"Okay. I'll do it."

Jack gets up and walks out of the diner. He looks around and sees Hunter sitting on the curb. She's dragging her pocket knife across the cement.

She suddenly feels him sit down beside her, trying to ignore them but then they speak up.

"Ash? What's wrong."

"Oh great. It's Jack."

"Nothing Jack. I'm fine." She tells him.

"You're not fine. Somethings wrong. You have been acting strange for a few weeks now." He says.

"Jack just leave it alone."

"I'm not gonna leave it alone Ash. I'm worried about you. Cas is worried about you. Sam and Dean are worried about you. You've been so distant lately. You never act like this. What's going on." He says raising his voice.

Hunter finally takes her attention off the ground and looks him in the eyes. "Listen Jack. I'm fine. I've just been a little moody lately okay. There is nothing wrong. If you don't believe me use your mind reading thingy. I give you permission."

"Okay." He says. He looks at her. His blue eyes glow that gold color as he looks at her thoughts. "Okay. I believe you." he says.

"Thank you Rowena" she thinks to herself.

"Well will you at least come inside now?"

"I think i'm gonna stay out here until we leave. I know I probably pissed Dean off pretty badly so I wanna give him his space too."

With that Jack gets up and heads back inside. Hunter hated lying to him. She hated lying to all of them but felt that her issues didn't need to be thrown on them.

Jack headed back inside. He had to tell Sam and Dean about what just happened. He walks back to the table and take a seat.

"So what's wrong with her?" Sam asks.

"That's the thing I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know." Dean says.

"I mean when I asked her what's wrong she told me she was fine. I told her I didn't believe her and she told me to read her mind and find out for myself. So I did."

"And? What did you see?" Cas asked.

"I didn't see anything. It was blank."

"How could it be blank. Everyone has thoughts. As long as you have a functioning brain you have thoughts." Sam says.

"It was blocked. I think by some type of magic or spell. Whatever it is I can't read her thoughts."

"Magic spell?" Dean scoffs.


"Castiel. What did you just say?" Jack asks.

"I said Rowena." he replies.

"What does Rowena have to do with anything?" Sam questions.

"The other day I heard Hunter on the phone with Rowena. I heard Hunter thanking her but other then that I minded my business." He tells them.

"Cas why would you just 'mind your business' you know she's been acting weird lately why wouldn't you tell us about this." Dean yells.

"I didn't think it was of importance."

"Dammit Cas. Sam get Rowena on the phone now and get her to take the spell off Hunter." Dean demands. "Until we fix this, no one tell her anything about this. Got it?"

Sam and Cas nodded. "Got it." Jack replies.

"Good. Now let's go home you and Hunter have school tomorrow." Dean says leaving cash on for our meals on the table and heading to the car.

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