chapter 6

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After Hunter left the hotel room she just walked around until she found something that seemed remotely interesting. This town is quite small. It's also kind of peaceful. There wasn't much noise. No traffic. It was nice.

Hunter felt bad for the way she's been treating her brothers lately. She just doesn't want to tell them what's going on. She don't even know what's going on. She feels like everything she does is never good enough. She feels like nothing but a letdown, feels as useless as a white crayon. Hell she feels less than useless.

She's at the point where she doesn't care if she dies on a hunt or not. She doesn't care if she dies at all. She can't tell the boys that though. They'll lose it and go all overprotective brother mode. Even Cas and Jack will do it too. She doesn't need them up her ass all the time.

She just feels so bad all the time and other times, doesn't feel anything. Is this what Sam felt like when he lost his soul. Damn. She just wishes she had something to make me feel better or at least just to forget about everything.

Hunter continued walking until she found a convenience store. Might as well get a snack. She goes in and grab a bag of chips and an energy drink. She heads to check out and an idea came to her mind. "Can I get two packs of cigarettes?" She asks the cashier.

"Which ones?"

"Newports" She tells him just pointing at whichever ones caught her eye first.

"Can I see your ID?"

"Here you go." She pulls out one of the many fake IDs that she had. He looks at the card and then grabs the cigarettes off the shelf. He then scans them and puts them in a bag with the snacks. I pay for the stuff and leave.

Hunter walks around until she finds somewhere to go and just think. she ended up finding some abandoned train tracks. She sits down and opens her energy drink, taking a few sips before setting it down beside her. She pulls out one of the packs of cigarettes. She pulls out the lighter she keeps on her because well you never know when you're gonna need to burn a body.

She opens the pack of cigarettes, taking one out and and twirling it in between her fingers. Is this really gonna do anything for her. Adults do it all the time. They say it helps with the stress of life so it can't be too bad can it.

She opens the lighter and hold the cigarette up to it. Once it's lit she places the cigarette at her mouth, inhaling, slowly taking a drag from it. Once she exhales it makes her cough. She takes another sip of her energy drink then hits the cigarette once again. The second time wasn't so bad. They're right. She did feel better.

After a while she had smoked about 2 more cigarettes and finished her snack. She was about to head back towards the hotel when she got a call.

"Hello?" She answers without bothering to see who it is.

"Where the hell are you."

"Sammy, don't worry. I'm on my way back okay."

"You've been gone for four hours Hunter."

"Okay and? I'm coming back now."

"We've been worried sick about you. We sent Jack after you but he said he couldn't find you. Deans losing it because he thinks something got you and me and Cas are trying to keep everyone calm. You need to get back here right now."

"Okay Sammy. I get it. I'll be there in about 30 minutes." She says right before hanging up. She start walking back to the hotel.

"Why do you always have to be such a burden?" She thinks to myself. "You can never do anything right. All you do is stress everyone out. You're a pain in the ass. You're family hates you and you know it. They only put up with you because they have to. If they could they'd give you up at the first chance they got. You know it. You only slow them down. Do everyone a favor and die on this hunt. Everyone will be happier without you." Her thoughts continue. They grow louder and louder.

"Just shut up!!" She yells.


"Jack? I told Sam I was on the way back. What are you doing here." She asks hoping he hadn't heard me scream.

"I was worried so I went back out to find you. Who were you yelling at?" He asks. Great. He heard her. Could things get any worse?

"I wasn't yelling. You must be hearing things." She tells him trying to avoid the subject.

"Okay. Let's just go back." He puts his hand on her shoulder and next thing she knows they're back at the hotel.

"Hunter Ash Winchester. I'm gonna kick your ass if you ever do that again."

"Nice to see you too Dean." She says sarcastically.

"Where the hell have you been?" he asks.

"Out. Don't worry about it. I'm back now aren't I?"

"Out is not an excuse missy."

"Dean can we do this later? I'm gonna go take a shower." She pushes past him and grabs some clothes and her bag. She gets in the shower and just sits in there for a while.

While Hunter went to go take a shower Jack thought it was the best time to let Sam and Dean know what was going on. "Guys? Can I tell you something?"

"Shoot." Dean tells him.

"Well when I went out the second time to find Hunter I read her mind before walking up to her."

"Well. What did you see?" Sam asks.

"She's not okay. Her thoughts are scary."

"Scary, How?" Cas chimes in.

"She thinks she's a burden. She thinks she's not good enough for anyone. She thinks we all hate her and that we'd all be better off if she just died." He tell them.

"You're lying." Dean spits.

"I promise I'm not."

"No. Not my baby sister. She can't feel that way. Why would she feel that way. We love her to death. We'd be so lost without her. Hell we've brought her back to life hundreds of times." Dean says on the verge of tears.

Sam is at a loss for words and Cas just looks confused. Jack just feels so bad.

"We need to talk to her about this." Dean says breaking the silence.

"You can't just bombard her with questions Dean. We don't even know exactly what she's going through so we need to figure out how to talk to her about this before we actually do it." Sam tells him.

"I think I know what she has." Cas says.

"Well what is it?" Jack asks.

"I've seen it in many humans in my time of being. Hunter is suffering from depression and if you can't help her she could get worse and do something stupid."

"Stupid how?" Dean asks.

Cas gives him the 'you know what kind of stupid.' look and Dean just lowers his head. I hope we can help Hunter. She means the world to me.

hello everyone. thank you for reading chapter 6 of my book. this is a big issue for the boys don't you think. anyways how do you guys feel about the relationship all the characters have with each other. also let me know if you have any suggestions or feedback. feel free to pm me. until next time. carry on.

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