chapter 10

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Hunter wakes up and all the boys are sitting on Deans bed across from her.

"What's going on?" She questions.

"Are you okay Ash?" Jack asks.

"I'm fine."

"You got the hell beat out of you and all you say is you're fine. Sorry to break it to you but you're a terrible liar." Dean says raising his voice.

"I'm not lying." I say.

"Really? Are you sure? Because the past month has been lie after lie after lie Hunter! Don't think that I don't know your little games you've been playing! And you came home high last night!"Dean screams.

"Stop yelling at me." She whispers.

"I have every right to yell at you! You don't tell us anything. You keep secrets from us. We are worried about you but you only want to push us away. I'm tired of it dammit!"


"Hunter we just want the best for you. We can't do that though unless you talk to us. We love you." Sam says in a soft voice. He's giving those puppy eyes. Dammit.

"Hunter i've known you since you were 4 years of age. You are like a daughter to me. I would rebel against heaven again for you. Please just tell us what's wrong." Cas says.

She shakes her head. She can't tell them.

"I'm fine. I promise."

"Ash. Please." Jack says.

"Can we do this later. We're gonna be late for school." She says getting up, grabbing her clothes and heading into the bathroom to change.

She stands in front of the bathroom mirror, taking off her shirt and just stares. Her ribs are very bruised. It's painful to even breathe. Her head hurts like a bitch. She's so ready to leave.

She hops into the shower and gets clean. Once She gets out she dries off and gets dressed, brushes her hair and teeth and put on deodorant. She grabs my dirty clothes off the floor and walks out of the bathroom, putting the clothes away.

She grabs her school stuff and heads out to get into the impala. Jack and Dean get into the car and they're off. She sits with her head down, trying not to wince at the pain from her ribs. The turns and bumps in the road are not helping the situation.

They get to the school and she tells Dean goodbye before getting out of the car and heading inside. Shes walking down the hall to class when Jack pulls her off to the side.

"Ash. Listen I know you probably have a lot going on right now, but you need to talk to us. We are your family and we care about you." He tells her.

"Jack. Let's not do this here. I'm fine trust me. I just have been stressed out and moody lately. I've told you this already."

"Being moody isn't wanting to die Hunter."

"What makes you think I want to die. Just because I don't wanna talk to anyone about what's on my mind doesn't all of a sudden mean I'm some suicidal freak. I can't believe you'd assume something like that."

She storms off and heads to class. She didn't have time for this. She just need to get her job done. How'd he even know that she didn't want to be alive anymore. What did she even say when she got home yesterday?

She gets to class and takes her seat. She's so zoned out by the time she starts paying attention she's in 3rd period getting ready to leave for lunch. The lunch bell rings and she gets up and walks out of the classroom.

She walks down the hall when she hears someone call after her. "Hunter wait up hun." She turns around and realize it's Leo who called after her.

"Hey." She says when he finally catches up to her. "Leo. Right?" She asks.

"Yep. I just wanted to know if you're doing anything this weekend." He asks.

"I'm not doing anything I don't think." She tells him.

"Would you like to go see a movie or something? The Hatchet Man remake just came out."

"Sure. I'd love to."

"Why did I just agree to this. There is no way my brothers will let me hang out with this kid."

"Cool. I'll pick you up at lets say 7 on Friday?"

"How about I just meet you there."

"That's fine. Enjoy your lunch and the rest of your day." He tells her before heading to his next class.

She turns around and heads to the lunch room where Jack and Gryffin are waiting for her.

"Sorry I'm late. Got caught up in hallway traffic." She says as she sits down at the table. Wincing at the pain it caused. Jack gives her a concerned look but doesn't say anything.

"It's fine." Gryffin says.

"So how's y'all's day been?" She asks making conversation.

They continue talking until lunch is over and then head to their next class and finish the school day. The bell rang and Jack and Hunter left to go home. As they walked down the hallway Hunter suddenly trips and lands on her face. She looks up to see Amber laughing.


"Hunter are you alright?" Jack asks rushing to help her up.

"I'm fine." she says wincing as he pulls her off the ground. She can tell he knows shes not.

"Why would you do that!" Jack yells at Amber.

"What do you mean?" She says innocently.

"Amber just fuck off okay. I didn't do anything to you and I barely know you so please leave me alone." Hunter tells her. She scoffs and walks away.

Jack helps her out to the car. He opens the door and places her in the back seat. He buckles her in and then shuts the door before heading to the other side of the car and getting in. Hunter closes her eyes and lets sleep take over her. She can faintly hear the sound of Jack talking to her brothers before she's fully out.

okay hello everyone. thank you for reading chapter 10 of my story. i hope you all are enjoying it. updates have been slow and i'm sorry. i have a lot going on and i also have writers block to top it all off. i'm trying my best so please bare with me. please pm for any suggestions or feedback or just comment. until next time. carry on.

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