chapter 7

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"You guys remember what we went over this morning right?" Dean asks as they pull up to the school.

"Yes I remember." Hunter replies.

"Prove it."

"The ghouls are blending in as students so you two need to figure out who's who and if anything weird has been happening." She says mocking Dean's voice.

"Good job." he says with a laugh.

We finally stop in the parking lot. Dean unlocks the doors and lets me and Jack out of the car.

"Have a good day guys oh and Hunter I love you, remember that alright." Dean says as they are getting ready to go into the building.

"I love you too Dean." She tells him confused by the fact he said it like that.

"See you guys later." and with that he drove off.

Jack and Hunter start walking towards the school building. "So, Jack. Any idea of how we are gonna find out who's a ghoul and who's not?"

"Why don't we ask Gryffin about it. I mean he should know about all the students and he seems nice so maybe he can help."

"Yeah maybe."

They continue our way inside and head to home room. It's quite boring in there but Gryffin was right. The teacher is pretty cool. Hunter was in her own world or something because next thing she knew the bell for the end first block had rung.

The next two classes go okay. Just the normal load of school work for any kind of high school class. Once 3rd period is over Hunter gathers her things and her and Jack make their way to the cafeteria.

"Hey let's wait on Gryffin." Jack says.


After about 2 minutes Gryffin catches up with them.

"Sorry I was asking the teacher about the homework assignment. You guys didn't have to wait for me you know." Gryffin says as he walks beside them.

"It's fine. We wanted to." She tells him.

They continue their way to the cafeteria. They pay for their lunches and go sit down at a table. They make regular conversation at first before Hunter starts asking Gryffin the important questions.

"Hey Gryffin? Do you know anything about James Stanwick." I ask.

Gryffin gets a sort of sad look in his eyes before answering. "Yeah I do. He use to be my best friend. Then he got into a really bad accident. He was in a hit and run while on his bike. He was in the hospital for about a month. He even died but somehow he miraculously came back to life." he tells them.

"Oh that's so terrible." I tell him.

"What do you mean use to be your best friend?" Jack asks.

Hunter punches him in the arm. "That was rude Jack."

"It's okay. I mean when he got out of the hospital he was different. He told me he didn't wanna hang out with me anymore and he went and made a bunch of new friends." Gryffin tells us.

"Well who does he hang out with now?" I ask

"He hangs out with the group of kids who had just magically reappeared after being missing for quite a while. Some were gone for weeks, some months, and for one of them 3 years."

"Oh that's strange."

"Yeah it really is. What made you ask about James?"

"Oh well we heard some kids talking about him in the hallways and we wanted to know what about so we asked you." Jack tells him coming up with an excuse.

"Oh okay."

They continue with our lunch and go back to a regular conversation. After lunch we go and sit through 4th period.

"I have to go to the restroom Jack. I'll catch up with you in a little bit." Hunter tells him on the way to our last class.

"Okay Ash. See you there." he says continuing to class.

Hunter makes his way to the bathroom. There are a lot of kids in the hallway as we do have 7 more minutes before they actually have to get to class. She continue walking when some bumps into her.

"Watch where you're going bitch." they spit.

"I'm sorry." She tells them

"You should be. Slut." They say before walking off.

"Wow first week here and I already have someone calling me names. Wonderful." She goes to the bathroom and quickly hurries back out so she can make it to class. Once she gets there she goes and takes her seat. "I'm so ready to go home."

She turns to the back of her notebook and just starts doodling. She didn't even realize that she was doodling sigils in my notebook until she heard a kid whispering about her.

"Look at that freak. She's drawing a bunch of satanic crap in her notebook."

"Great Hunter. You keep making things worse for yourself don't you." After about 10 more minutes of the two kids who were whispering about her giving her disgusted stares the bell finally rang. "Good. Now I can leave this hell hole." She and Jack exit the class room and start heading to the parking lot for their ride.

"So any plans on how we are actually gonna catch the ghouls?" he asks.

"I think I have an idea."

"Well what is it?"

"I'll explain it later."

They continue outside and look around for either Sam and Dean or Cas. It was Sam and Dean this time. They walk over to the impala and hop in.

"Onward peasants!" Hunter shouts.

Dean chuckles and Sam smiles at her.

"How was school today." he asks

"It was good." Jack answers.

"Yeah it was." She lies.

"Well that's great. When we get back to the hotel we'll discuss any information on the case alright?"

"You got it." She tells them.

Dean turns up the radio and they make our way back to the hotel.

hello everyone. thank you for reading chapter 7 of my book. updates have been slow and it's because of everything going on in the world. i have been more consumed for using my voice and privilege to speak for every poc and advocate and fight for their rights. also happy pride months to my lgbt babes. i love you all and you are all valid. i hope you guys are enjoying it. updates will come soon. until next time. carry on.

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