chapter 11

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Hunter woke up in her bed at the hotel room. She didn't remember coming inside though. She turned over but groaned at the pain. She opens her eyes and sees Dean staring at her. She looks past him and sees Sam, Cas, and Jack sitting at the table. She sits up and faces Dean.

"What?" She asks.

"Let me see." He says.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. You are obviously hurt and I need to make sure you are okay."

"I'm fine."

"Hunter don't you dare start that. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Let me see." He says sternly.

"Fine." She says getting up and walking to the bathroom. Dean follows behind her. He lifts her up and sets her on the sink.

"Okay now where are you hurt at?" He asks.

She brings her hands to the hem of her shirt and lifts it up slowly. Her abdomen is revealed and Deans face drops when he sees the bruises that cover it.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles.

She puts her head down and tries to hold in her tears. She never wanted her big brother to see her like this. She never wanted anyone to see her like this.

"Oh bub. I'm so sorry this happened to you." He says with sad eyes.

"It's not your fault."

Dean then walks out of the bathroom only to come back with Sam and Cas. She hears Cas tell Jack to wait outside the bathroom. Sam looks at her and his face drops just like Deans.

He gets down to her level to speak to her. She puts her head down and finally lets the tears slip out. He places his hand under her chin and lifts her head up to look him in the eyes.

"Hey munchkin. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna fix you up and take care of you okay." He says in a comforting tone. Cas tells Jack to come in. Jack does so and Hunter can see the hurt in his eyes when he looks at her.

"Ash." he says barely over a whisper. "Why didn't you say something. I could have helped you. I could have healed you so you didn't have to walk around like this."

"I'm sorry." She hiccups as tears start flowing down her face again.

"It's okay kiddo don't be sorry it's not your fault." Dean says.

Jack places his hand on her stomach. He runs his fingers across her ribs and she flinches.

"Sorry." she says.

"Stop apologizing." he says. He brings his hand back to the middle of her stomach. Cas places his hand on her knee.

"This may hurt a little." She hears Jack say.

She quickly grabs Cas's hand off her knee and holds it. As Jack uses his powers to heal her, she squeezes Cas's hand harder and harder. He gives her a small smile.

"All done." Jack says.

She looks down to see her stomach all clear and back to normal. She looks up at Jack and mumbles out a thank you. He gives her a small smile before walking out of the bathroom. She could tell he was hurt. She felt like shit for not talking to him.

"You okay now bub?" Dean asks.

She quickly engulfs him into a hug and starts crying again.

"I'm so sorry." She sobs. "I should have told you guys but I didn't and now Jack hates me because he thinks it's his fault and you all probably hate me a- an- and i'm so i- i'm sorry."

Dean just hugs her tighter.

"Hunter. Calm down. You're okay we don't hate you." Sam says placing his hand on her back.

"And Jack most definitely doesn't hate you. He's just mad that he couldn't protect you better. Me and your brothers are very overprotective of you and so is Jack. We all want this best for you but this isn't your fault." Cas says.

"I'm sorry for everything I put you guys through." She sniffles.

"Hunter Ash Winchester! If you don't stop apologizing for things that are not your fault so help me I will kick your ass." Dean says. They finally stop hugging and he makes her look him in the eyes.

"Listen kiddo. Stop being sorry for things that aren't your fault. I know i've acted like a jerk lately but it's because I love you and I worry about you. I just want the best for you. So does Sammy. Same goes for Cas and Jack. We all love you and we'd do anything and everything for you. So can you at least stop crying for me." He says.

Hunter sniffles and wipe my eyes. "Yeah." She says.

"I love you kiddo. Now you're obviously tired out so why don't you go back to sleep." He says. Sam and Cas have left the bathroom and went back to the table with Jack.

"I love you too." She says heading back to her bed and falling asleep a few minutes after getting in.

hey everyone. i hope you enjoyed reading chapter 11 of my story. i'm sorry it's sort of short. updates will be coming soon hopefully. until next time. carry on.

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