chapter 9

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Its the last class of the day. Hunters so ready to leave. She hates school. It was so boring. She felt something hit the back of her head. It was a balled up piece of paper.

She picked it up and uncrumpled it.


"Well that's just wonderful. They all think i'm some satan worshiper. Honestly that seems better than what I actually do. I don't get why they hate me though. I haven't done anything to them."

The bell rings.

"Finally I can leave."

She grabs her things and the paper and shove them into her bag and walks out of the classroom.

"You ready?" Jack asks.

"You go on ahead i'll be there in a second I just need to use the restroom."


Jack walks off heading outside to where our ride is waiting. Hunter makes his way to the restroom. She gets in there and stares into the mirror. She hates what's looking back at her.

"Hideous isn't it?" a girl says from behind me.

Hunter turns and face her.

"I mean you are just some freak. The satan shit and all that. No wonder no one at this school likes you."

"Leave me alone."

"What? You gonna sacrifice me or something because you can't handle the truth?"

She walks out of the bathroom only to be snatched back in.

"Get off of me!" Hunter pushes her away and walks back out of the bathroom. She should've walked faster because the girl tackled her to the ground. Next thing she knows she's getting punched. kicked. slapped. She got in her in the lip real good. That's gonna bruise.

"Amber get off of her." a boy screams from across the hall. She hears running all of a sudden and Amber is pulled off of her and held back by a senior. The dude who she assumes yelled at Amber to get off of her sticks out his hand.

Hunter takes it and he pulls her up. "I'm sorry about her. She's a little much." he says.

"Don't worry about it."

"I'm Leo." he smiles.


"Well Hunter, I've seen you around the halls. I wanted to know if you wanna like hang out sometime. You don't have to if you don't want to though. I'm not gonna force you."

"I'll think about it. I gotta go my rides waiting on me. Maybe i'll see you around?"


She grabs her bag off the ground and heads towards the parking lot. On her way there she runs into Jack.

"Hunter what's taking so long? Dean is about to lose it." he tells her.

"Sorry, the bathroom was full."

"What happened to your lip?" he asks concerned.

"I slipped on some water and fell." She lies.

Jack places his hand under her chin and turns her head to look him in the eyes.

"I feel like you're lying to me Ash."

"I'm not. I promise. I fell."

"Okay let's go before Dean sends a search team for us."


They make it to the car and Cas is in the front seat. Jack and Hunter hop into the back seat.

"Finally." Dean says as he pulls off.

Hunter leans her head against the window and closes her eyes pretending to fall asleep so no one tries to make conversation with her. They get back to the hotel and Jack pushes her shoulder to wake me up. She sits up and grabs my bag. She gets out of the car and keeps her head down.

She walks into the hotel room and sets her bag on my bed. The door shuts and Sam speaks up.

"Hey munchkin. How was school?"

"It was school."

"Sarcasm Hunter. Really?"

She looks up at her big brother. "Look Sammy, I'm just tired okay." She tells him before looking back down.

"Woah! What happened to your lip?"

"I fell."

"Dean! Can you come here for a second?" Sam yells.

"What's the issue?" Dean asks walking out of the bathroom.

"Look at Hunters face."

Dean walks over to me. She keeps her head down. "Look at me." She doesn't listen and continues to keep her head down.

"Hunter! I don't have time for games now look at me dammit."

She still doesn't listen. This results in Dean getting down to her level and lifting her head up. He sees her face and a look of shock appears.

"What the hell happened?" he asked.

"I fell."

"Sam go get Jack." Dean orders. Sam listens and walks out to get Jack. A few moments go by and they both walk back in.

"Jack! What the hell happened to her?" Dean asks.

"She won't tell me. She keeps on insisting that she fell." Jack explains.

"Hunter just tell us what happened we won't be mad I promise." Sam says.

"Just leave it alone." She says grabbing my bag and walking out the door. She runs off before anyone can see where she's going.

She makes it to the train tracks, pulling out one of the bags of weed she got from Eli. She pulls out some rolling papers she got from the store earlier. "Maybe now I won't feel." It takes about 30 minutes after she smokes and she starts to feel better. She feels calm, a little tired, and super hungry she decides to go back to the hotel.

She gets back to the hotel and walk into the room. Dean and Cas are in there. Dean looks pissed but when does he not.

"Hunter. What really happened?" Cas asked.

"Some kid punched me. That's all." She laughs. Why did she just admit that. She didn't mean to do that.

"You got hit? You better have let that kid go home with some broken bones." Dean says.

"I didn't fight back. You told me not to bring attention to myself."

"Hunter are you okay?" Cas asked?

"I'm fine. I just wanna sleep." She says as she lays down on my bed. She lays there for a second before she started drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Something's wrong." One of the boys say before sleep takes over.

hello everyone. I feel like this chapter sucks but I needed an update. It's also almost 3 in the morning as I'm writing this. I hope you enjoyed chapter 9 of my book. if you have any suggestions or questions please comment them or pm me. until next time. carry on.

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