chapter 12

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"I feel so stupid. I always try my hardest to protect Hunter but now I can't even do that. I've let everyone down. I let the person I care about the most get hurt. I will never forgive myself. I don't think anyone else will ever forgive me either." Jack thinks to himself.

He walks into his room after he leaves the others to finish helping Hunter. Not too much long after Sam enters the room. He looks up at him. Tears filled the brims of his eyes.

"Sam i'm so sorry I let Hunter get hurt. My one job on this case was to protect her and I let you all down."

"Jack calm down. You didn't let us down. You couldn't have known. She's been lying to all of us. This isn't your fault so don't be so hard on yourself." he comforted him.

"I know but I should've seen through it. I shouldn't have just let it go when she told me she was fine."

"Jack I promise you it's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up over this."

"I'll try. Thanks Sam."

Back in Hunter and Deans room, Dean looks at his phone to check the time. It's 7 in the morning. Cas left a few hours ago. He said he had something important to take care of. Dean hasn't been able to sleep since last nights incident..He worries so much about Hunter. He just wishes she would talk to him.

He looks over at her on the other bed. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. She smiles in her sleep.

"I wish we could forget about this hunting stuff. I wish Hunter could have had a normal childhood. Not one where we were always moving around and leaving her with Bobby so we could kill monsters." Dean thinks to himself.

He looks over to see Hunter waking up.

"Good morning" He says.

She groans.

"You hungry?" He asks.

She nods her head yes.

"Okay well get up and start getting dressed. I'll go get Sam and Jack and then we'll all go get something to eat."

Dean walks out the room and knocks on Sam's door. He opens up and Dean walks in. He sees that both him and Jack are awake. Jack seems like somethings on his mind.

"Hunter just woke up. I told her to get dressed and we'll all go grab a bite." He tells them.

"Okay" says Jack.

"Dean can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Sam asks.

"Sure Sammy."

They walk outside the room and Sam shuts the door behind him.

"So what's up"

"Last night Jack was really upset. He thinks he let everyone down because Hunter got hurt and he couldn't protect her."

"It's not his fault. None of us blame him. You heard Hunter last night. She thinks Jack hates her because of what happened."

"Do you think we should tell Jack that?"

"You can if you want Sammy."

After the conversation Sam heads back into his room and Dean goes back into his. Hunters not in there and then he notices the bathroom light is on. He hears crying.

"Why do I have to fuck everything up. I ruin everything. I'm such a burden on the boys. I should just die already so they can finally get a break. It would make it so much easier for everyone." Hunter says through sobs and sniffles.

"She doesn't really think that does she? She's my baby sister. I don't know what I would do without her."

Suddenly the bathroom door opens and hunter walks out. She stops in her tracks when she sees him standing there.

"You okay?" she asks.

"You don't really think that do you?"

"What are you talking about."

"You know what I'm talking about. Don't play dumb. You don't really believe we'd be better off without you do you?"

Tears form in her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry" she stutters "It's just I screw everything up. I'm annoying. I'm just a waste of space. You and Sammy were perfectly fine before I was born. You guys have each other and you'll always have each other. I'm just a burden. You guys are always worrying about me. Jack was so hurt last night when he saw me like that. So was Cas. So were you and Sam. I let myself get hurt. I couldn't even stick up for myself. I walked around for days with those bruises and didn't tell anyone because I was ashamed of what a failure I am. Everyone's life would be easier if I wasn't in it." she says now full on sobbing again.

"Listen Hunter you don't stop being a soldier cause you got wounded in battle, okay no matter what shape you're in bottom line is you're family, but me and Sam don't have much left. Cas and Jack love you. Sam loves you. I love you. I can't do this without you. I can't. None of us can. So don't you dare think about checking out. I don't wanna hear that again." Dean is now tearing up.

He pulls Hunter into a hug, holding onto her as if she would disappear if he let go.

hey everyone! sorry I've been away so long. and sorry for the short chapter. Things have been very stressful lately and I just couldn't think of anything good to add to the story. I hope you all are well. As you all may know. Supernatural officially ended. I literally sobbed watching the last episode. It seriously broke my heart. But i'm happy that everyone got their ending. Well that's all for now. Until next time. carry on. <3

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