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friday, january 10th, 2020.

corbyn giggled as daniel strapped him in the passenger seat of his car, daniel sighing with a soft smile at the younger boy. corbyn passed out for a couple minutes, but woke up when he felt daniel carrying him to the car.

the blonde boy quickly pulled away from corbyn before he could pull him closer, walking around the frunt of his gray telsa and going to the driver's seat.

"do you wanna go home, corbs?" daniel asked softly, preparing for any silly answer.

"no," corbyn declared a large smile plastered on his face. "take me to your castle, prince daniel." corbyn spoke, wiggling in his seat.

"why not your house?" the tooth gaped boy tried to stay calm with the boy; though knowing he coulkd never truly be mad or annoyed with him.

"if my mom see's i'm intoxicated she will kill me." corbyn snickered, extending out the phrase 'kill me', speaking the word 'intoxicated' in a funny voice. "actually, i wanna go to the beach." the blonde randomally thought out loud, awaiting for daniel to move the car,

"it's to late for the beach, bubba." the blue-eyed boy sighed. drunk corbyn was something he never wanted to deal with again.

"fine," he pouted. "then take me to your castle, prince daniel." he giggled, going back to the prince and castle fantasy.

daniel chuckled, moivng the car to put it in drive, beginning to back out of the spot on the side of the road he was on.

he was so focused on backing out, he almost had a heart attack when he felt a small weight on his lap. daniel noticied the weight was corbyn; who was girnning happily at daniel as he stradled his lap. daniel slightly glared at him before speaking out.

"what are you doing, corbyn?"

"i'm taking a seat in the prince's lap since i'm the princess." corbyn huffed, waving his hands around and messing with his now flat hair.

"we could get in trouble, bubba. go back to your seat." daniel tried to convince the drunk boy.

"i'm not moving." corbyn playfully crossed his arms, awaiting for daniel's reaction. he just loved to mess with daniel while he was drunk.

"fine, jus- just duck down so no one sees you." daniel groaned at the stuborn boy atop of him.

the slim blonde broke out into a pretty grin, leaning forward and kissing daniel's lips as a thank you. daniel was suprised by the sudden action. he seems to like kissing daniel a lot while he was drunk.

daniel didn't push him away nor kiss back. the blonde was intoxicated and would never take advantage of him like that. not that daniel even had intimate feelings for corbyn. but i did like his kisses. daniel thought to himself.

corbyn wiggled in the taller's lap, adjusting himself so his head was resting on daniel's stomach.

daniel sighed again, continuing his car movements.

not long later, daniel was on a empty road, the car lights flashing side by side in the dark. corbyn still sat in his lap, occasionally moving around; but staying hidden from the windows.

the platinum blonde was oddly quiet, though daniel wasn't complaining. he wanted to take care of the boy, but it was defenitley a pain and daniel would admit though.

the problem was, he spoke too soon.

the pale boy suddenly palmed the elder's cock quickly, a groan escaping daniel's lip and causing his body to move uncomfortably in his seat. he side eyed corbyn, who's chin was now resting upon his thigh as he tried to focus on his driving.

daniel wasn't trying to crash nor have corbyn fondle with his own parts.

"stop corbs," he tried to speak lightly, corbyn giggling in response.

"how long until we get home?" corbyn pouted, looking up at daniel with his large, glossy eyes. daniel looked down for a moment, catching his gaze before examining the area around him.

"maybe about 5 or 10 minutes," the blonde shrugged, his cheeks puffing up as he let out a long sigh. how was he going to explain this to corbyn in the morning we he couldn't remember.

the younger smiled, moving his hands to play with the fly of daniel's pants. "w-what are you doing?" daniel asked shakily as corbyn exposed the elder's boxers, daniel looking for a sign of any light where they could stop.

"nothing," he murmed innocently, his hands at the hem of daniel's boxers. "corbyn." daniel spoke warningly, crossing over the road so they could pull over.

the blonde was about to pull down daniel's boxers before daniel parked the car in a gas station, redoing his pants.

"i'm not a fan of your drunk self." daniel murmured with a heavy sigh, unbuckling his seatbelt and carefully stepping out the car so corbyn didn't fall.

"i'm going to take that as a compliment." he huffed, squealing when daniel lifted him by the armpits.

he quickly walked to the back seat, placing him down in it. he buckled the boys' seatbelt; corbyn giggling at the feeling before daniel shut the door.

once he was back in the driver's seat, he took a deep breath; recomposing himself before he had to drive off again.

corbyn rambled the whole car ride. daniel could say he was annoyed, but the voice of corbyn kept him sane because he was... soft for the boy.

he was thankful when he pulled into his driveway, the slim blonde stopping his talking and exiting the car fast.

daniel had to follow his movements, making sure he stayed quiet in beware of his family. he opened the door to his home with his key, the blue and green eyed boy giggling and running up the stairs to daniel's room.

the taller blonde took his time, knowing corbyn probably went to his room. once he went upstairs, his thoughts were confirmed as he found corbyn lying on his bed with the same tube top and sweatpants that belonged to daniel.

"come cuddle me." corbyn pouted, making pouty hands at the elder who snickered.

the elder stripped of his shirt, finding another pair of sweatpants and replacing his jeans with the more comfortable pants.

he climed into his bed, slipping under the covers where corbyn already lay; the platinum blonde immediately clinging to his side.

"give me a butterfly kiss. i'm not going to sleep without one."

"a what?" daniel looked at him with a dumbfounded look.

"a butterfly kiss. you give them to me every morning at school and maybe other times." corbyn said in a 'duh' tone.

he sighed happily, cooeing at the nickname he had just discovered corbyn gave his kisses. this kisses he gave because he liked to see corbyn happy.

daniel leaned over and gave the boy a quick peck on his nose and a lingering one on his forehead. "thank you." he smiled happily making daniel chuckle.

"good night, corbs."


[aaliyah is being mean to me 😠 (pretend she is hehe) anyway this for her -FUCKAFAKESMILE but it lowkey sucked sorry 😔 much love -jayda <3.]

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