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monday, january 13th, 2020.

"so," zach was the first to speak up at their lunch table that seemed to be awfully quiet that day as the new week started. "we gonna talk about it or..." he muttered off, glancing around the table.


"no." corbyn interrupted zach, who seemed to be getting ready to give more detail. "we are not gonna talk about the party." he mumbled, clearing his throat as he now had all his friends eyes on him except for daniel's.

"why not." zach groaned with a fake pout at his youngest friend. he leaned forward in his seat, planting his elbows on the table.

"it's not worth the embarssment." corbyn spoke in a tone that no one rarely ever heard from him, the blonde putting on an extermely fake smile.

"we all do stupid things when we are drunk." the bushy brunette interfered.

"i said embarssment not stupidty." he spoke as a matter of factly. "so you're saying you don't regret it?" zach said in a questioned voice.

"zach," jack spoke up making zach's eyes turn to him. "stop pushing." he spoke to the older boy.

"it's an interesting conversation." zach whined. "not a conversation they want to have." jack responded, raising his eyebrows and lifting his hands up.

"why can't we drop it? it's in the past." jonah spoke up, caressing his girlfriends hand with his fingers.

corbyn picked at the hem of his loose shorts, nodding in agreement with jonah's statement. he gave daniel a glance who seemed to be staring at the table as if it was the most interesting thing.

"us girls are going to go somewhere else." the blonde girl moved her hair to the side as she stood up, signalling for the rest of the girls to do the same. "you figure you guys' stuff out." mauve whispered, kissing her boyfriends cheek.

the rest of the girls stood up following after mae, all slowly walking away and leaving the boys staring at each other.

"dani, you must have something say." the brunette spoke with a smile, staring at daniel who slowly looked up at him.

"i don't have anything to say," he sighed, dropping his hands to his lap. "there is nothing to talk about."

"not taking his side or anything— but you must have something to say." the freckled boy said. "there is obviously something going on between you two." jack put emphasis on the word.

"there is nothing going on between us." corbyn grumbled frustratedly.

"there always has been— friday was kinda proof." the eldest of them all shrugged calmly, corbyn pouting as it seemed it was him against the rest while daniel said nothing.

the three boys seemed to be staring at corbyn in silence, the youngest not saying anything concluding he didn't know how to respond. he turned towards daniel, nudging the boy with his knee as his head perked up from the the table to look at corbyn.

"um, yeah right— there's nothing going on between us." he clarified, receiving unconvinced stares in response.

"you don't seem to sure about that." the bushy brunette leaned forward with raised eyebrows, his eyes moving to examine daniel's face as if he was pretending to be a detective.

the tall and muscular boy became flustered, his face heating up in slight embarrassment. he didn't know what to say. because the truth was, he was thinking about the party. all the events that went down; it had his brain, mind, and thoughts going it twists. because in all honesty, in the back of his mind he knew he wouldn't mind the things happening again with a sober corbyn and a less adventurous night.

"can we drop it, bro?" daniel sighed, calmly. he felt he had no better option then to try and end the topic again and continue with a normal lunch.

zach took some time to respond, staring intently as he thought about the question. he then let out a deep and dramatic sigh, plopping down into his seat correctly. "fine."

"thank you." the slim boy said, slouching in his spot on the comfortable chair as an unintentionally pout sat on his lips.

jonah was the one to turn around, and signaling the girls to come back to their original table as they only sat a decent amount of others away. they all walked over, sitting back in their seats and sitting silently.

"did you guys figure your stuff out?" mariah spoke up, looking at mainly the two boys.

"depends on what you call figured out." corbyn replied in a mumble pouting at his best friend.

"have you come to a point where you can stop arguing about it?" christina added, her girlfriend nodding her head in agreement.

"not really arguing, more of you found a decent answer to your problem." tate said, making sure all their opinions made sense together.

"i guess." the bushy brunette named zach said with a breath. "they claim their is nothing going on between them."

"because there isn't!" corbyn called again, glaring at zach who couldn't seem to drop the subject.

daniel looked up for a glance, looking at kelsey in an expression that seemed of such need for advice. in which his best friend only chuckled and lipped put the words, 'be honest. not just with them but yourself.' looking away with a wink leaving daniel to put the words to use as she pulled her girlfriend closer.

"i say we act like it never happened. there was no party friday and nothing happened." adelaine suggested to which her boyfriend nodded to.

"that's clearly not gonna happen for some us," sierra breathed out, picking at her food as she caught the pout zach gave her.

"you're supposed to be on my side." he fake pouted at the girl next to him, placing his hand on her thigh that made the blonde girl blush perferibly hard.

"i'm not taking sides,  i'm just saying." she added quietly in defense, holding back a smile that seemed to be caused by the brunette boy so often.

"positive things only guys, no fighting." the small blonde girl, also known as mae or jonah's girlfriend sighed having not spoken up much.

in which it quiet and awkward again was an understatement. and their lunch was almost over seeing as the spent most of it in a disagreement per say, they sat most picking at their food.

not long later, daniel let out a desperate like sigh; it going unheard by most before he perked up. "i have to go see coach for some 'captain business'," daniel mocked the words of his coach, seeing as all his friends listened.

"i'll see you guys later, yeah?" he said beginning to grab his things to which they all nodded to. "see you next period, bro." the brunette football player nodded his head, the two boys doing a neat handshake from across the circular table.

and despite having an argument the whole lunch over the topic, and his friends comments of the two boys not having anything; daniel grabbed his phone in his hand staring over at the blonde. he leaned over slightly, gently placing his hand on corbyn's clothed hip for balance; pressing his lips to the temple of the platinum blonde boy and leaving him with a smile on his face and mark of his butterfly kiss.


[ i hope you guys notice i'm really trying a lot harder to make sure that other characters are still in the book and noticed and i hope you guys don't mind that some of that means not as much dorbyn action but it will always still be there ❤ much love -jayda <3. ]

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