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friday, january 10th, 2020.

not soon after corbyn had finished at least three cups of any sort of alcoholic drink, he was not feeling to well. he had already began to feel slightly dizzy as the music that was and is still blaring through the large house, was now a slight blur to corbyn.

he couldn't help but wonder if he was daydreaming. but thankfully, the other part of his friend group had arrived through the door.

the first to notice corbyn sitting alone was daniel, causing the blonde male to walk carefully over to the alone boy; pushing past any of the girls or boys who were trying to get his attention.

"hey corbs," daniel spoke close to corbyn, in approach for his voice to be heard over the noises.

corbyn's eyes met daniel's as he gave the elder a head nod; holding a red solo cup lightly in his hands as it sat upon the kitchen counter. i don't think i can speak and use words right now. i don't think i'll be able to make a full proper sentence. corbyn thought, his eyebrows furrowing.

"what're you doing alone? is jack not with you?" daniel asked suprised to see that corbyn was not with jack or any of their other friends who had arrived with corbyn.

corbyn swallowed any excess spit in his mouth, before thinking about the formation of his sentence and what the actual answer was.

"i- uh- j-jacky and, um- lainey. d-dancing?" corbyn said hiccuping and confusing himself. "and uh- t-tate and... um- kelsey? kelsey. pool. t-the game? i th-hink." corbyn said giggling at the end of his sentence, the alcohol having that effect on him.

just in that moment, daniel noticed the red cup in the blonde's hand, with a sigh. daniel attempted to grab the cup from him, the blonde dressed in a tube top and a skirt moving his hand, refusing to let the other grab it.

corbyn then took the drink to his lips starting to chug it down with no hesitation. before daniel could pull the drink away, mariah appeared with a scowl on her face, snatching the drink away from the blonde as her face held anger.

"what the fuck corbyn! you know you're a light drinker." his friend said the anger dripping from her tone. she did not want to have to deal with a drunk corbyn.

corbyn hiccuped with a giggle as his blinked rapidly. "i-i was bored. jack, tate, kels, lainey, all w-went to their own thing." corbyn spoke slowly, forming a real logically sentence.

mariah's head turned to search the room, finding jack and lainey dancing freely and tate and kelsey playing pool at the pool table. her head turned back around to face the two blondes.

"i'll get corbs to sit with the rest of them," mariah started referring to the football players and cheerleaders in their friend group. "you get tate, kels, jack, and lainey." mariah finished.

daniel hummed in response, lifting himself up from the kitchen chair to get them.

mariah then lifted corbyn up, pulling him by arms to stand before dragging the pouting and whining blonde to sit on a chair that sat by the standing others.

daniel quickly got kelsey and tatum, explaining to them that everyone was here and not mentioning the fact that mariah was about to lecture them. they would've ended up going there anyways with knowing the rest of their friends had arrived.

daniel then made his way to the dance floor, pushing past all the girls and boys who were trying to flirt with him and saying quick 'thank you's to the people complimenting him.

sometimes, being popular is annoying. especially for someone who isn't big on attention. daniel thought to himself. he wasn't big on attention, though he didn't mind it. he enjoyed having his friends and that kept him sane.

daniel finally encountered the two speaking to them about corbyn and mariah lecturing them. "hurry up. we don't want to keep her waiting." daniel snickered, making their way out of the crowd.

mariah was goofy, silly, funny, and just a happy person in general. but when it came to corbyn; she was like a mom. she cared about her best friend and knew he was sensitive and fragile and would always keep him safe, healthy, and out of trouble.

as soon as the other three arrived in the crowded corner of the party, mariah began her small lecture. her face gleamed red of frustration and heat as she spoke mainly to the four.

"corbyn's drunk. care to explain?" she said, the frustration deep in her voice as her eyes looked at jack and lainey first.

"we were just going to dance. we left him with tate and kels." adelaine stated as if it was obvious, jack nodding in agreement.

mariah narrowed her eyes at the couple once more, her hands clasped together as she turned towards tatum and kelsey expectingly.

"we offered him to come play pool with us," kelsey shrugged. "he said he would be fine and wait for you."

"and you believed him!" mariah whispser-yelled out of frustration leaning forward the slightest.

"what were we supposed to do." kelsey responded calmly, as the brown-haired girls' face stayed slightly red.

tate let out a sigh as she spoke. "listen, mari. we didn't mean for him to get drunk. we didn't think he would drink if we left him alone. he normally never does. we're sorry." tate muttered.

mariah's eyes softend as the heat in her face slightly cooled down. "it's okay. i'm sorry. it's just now we have to worry for him because he has no control i guess is the right word." mariah shrugged. mariah always had a soft spot for tate.

jonah leaned aganist a wall with mauve leaning into him, his hand around her waist. christina, sierra, and zach all stood by the corner as they just listened.

"we can take him home if you like?" tate suggested, doing anything to make the girl less stressed and happier.

mariah nodded her head lightly as if she was agreeing. "it would probably be helpful." she let out a soft giggle as the music seemed to calm down.

corbyn pouted in the background, his chair still in it's same position. "i-i can s-till hear you." corbyn muttered dazzily as he picked himself up off his seat, preparing to get off.

"i'm n-not going home." corbyn hiccuped with a giggle as he came out of his chair. his legs stumbled along with his body as he immediatley picked himself up with the help of the chair he originally sat on.

a giggle escaped his lips, as he adjusted his tube top with a smile; the adrenaline of the alcohol now running by his veins and giving him energy.

"i need another drink," corbyn perked up not waiting for responses. "i'm gonna get another drink." corbyn murmured.

"see ya!" corbyn giggled excitedly as he sturted over to the kitchen, not missing to grab daniel to come with him as he passed by the rest of his friends.

and thankfully for them, daniel lipped them 'i'll keep an eye on him.' with a reassuring smile as corbyn dragged him through the crowd dancing along with the many people; and back to the kitchen.


[this is trash🤚🏾 i just realized in every story i make it that there is a party & flexing of the boys phone's 🥴✌🏾 much love -jayda <3.]

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