
542 31 13

thursday, january 16th, 2020.

lunch now seemed to be corbyn's least favorite part of his day as opposed to his favorite. he sat on the plastic blue circular seat for the fourth time that week, yet fairly awkwardly as he picked at the salad that sat in front of him.

as knowing it was only ten minutes into  lunch, he assumed the period couldn't get any much worse that was. but then again, he spoke to soon and was proved wrong the by the glance he caught of the three familiar faces walking towards what he assumed was his lunch table.

the clicking of their sandals could be heard from miles away only making corbyn rolls as he turned around and awaited for them to get closer. as soon as the three girls stopped in front of corbyn, he mind felt as if it had gotten terribly quiet all around him.

alexis, gabbie, and kay seemed to want to the center of attention as alexis glared in corbyn's teal eyes. the blonde boy straightened out the cropped shirt he had on, adjusting the jean shorts that sat on his perfectly.

by now, everyone at corbyn's table was looking at the the four and some tables around then too. as they already some attention from being a slightly popular table throughout their school, the young boy felt slightly intimidated and embarrassed but be didn't let it show as he crossed his legs and leaned back amused.

"hey little junior boy." the brunette girl started out with, crossing her arms as if she said the best thing in the world.

the blonde stiffled a laugh, staring at the girl through funny eyes. "says you who can't even pass sophomore classes as a senior." he pouted funny, making the girl scoff in offense.

"corbyn's about to have another bitch moment." he heard zach whisper making him mentally glared at the dumb boy and roll his eyes. though the other girl completely ignored zach's comment and payed all her attention to the boy she seemed to spite.

"just calling you what you are... junior boy." she spoke again through a smirk, making corbyn fume of slight anger and annoyance.

"call me junior boy, one more time." the blonde boy threatened through gritted teeth, leaning forward as even his friends seemed surprised by the sudden attitude that they didn't get out of the boy often.

the tall girl only smiled, seeming as if the phrase didn't effect her at all. "i'm not trying to make you pissed or anything," she surrendered; the smirk still resting on her face. "i just came to get some words out." alexis finished, her expression turning serious.

"i hope you know that whatever you thought you accomplished at the party, you didn't. i get what i want and i want him." she spoke, crossing her arms and leaning on one of her feet sassily.

though corbyn didn't remember much from the party, she had an idea of what she was talking about from the filling in of his friends. he stared at her through funny eyes, holding back a laugh as he became more confident in his words by the second. "no need to talk like he's not here, sweetheart."

"ask him yourself, see if he'll want you." the platinum blonde whispered just to her letting only her and most likely daniel hear. she fumed in anger, sucking in her breath tightly while corbyn smirked amused.

"whatever, junior boy." she rolled her eyes. corbyn almost lost it, preparing to get out of his seat and do something about it. he didn't like being called junit boy, being talked down to. and now she was just hitting a nerve that made him change personalities completely. thankfully though, daniel cut him off with his words and putting his hand on corbyn's thigh to stop him from getting up.

"okay guys, no need to fight about it." the blonde boy sighed, running the hand that had previously been onto the younger's thigh through his hair.

alexis scoffed unhappily, looking at daniel through frustrated eyes. "you're really gonna chose him over me." she tried to reason. "at least choose a girl over someone who likes to dress like one." the brunette girl gave corbyn a side glare as he mentally shyed away.

daniel took time to respond as apposed to get angry. "no one likes a bully. especially to my friends." he spoke gently. "if you really think i would date someone who insults my friends, then i don't know what kind of water you are drinking; but you're incredibly wrong." he added softly again.

the girl stared in disbelief, rolling her eyes and stiffling a hysterical laugh. she turned around, snapping her fingers as her two friends walked away with her. both boys turned back to face their table, watching as each and all of there friends looked up from their phones and foods as apposed to pretending to not pay attention.

corbyn sighed with a small pout, remembering the girls words. he looked at the other blonde who had already been staring at him, sending him a small smile. "thanks for standing up for me, dani."

daniel nodded his head gently, sending back a little a smile as he grabbed corbyn's hand lightly and lifted it up to his lips to give a kiss to the backside of his hand. "anything for you, corbs."


[ sorry it's been so long since i updated, i promise i'm getting back to it. how are you guys? also, no hate to gabbie, alexis, or kay; just a book. and corbyn's brunette hair is so pretty, should i change it in the book? much love -jayda <3. ]

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