To Shinjuku!

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"Auto mode active. Navigate to Shinjuku, auto pilot mode, get petrol filled for 30000rs." I said.

"Yes mam! We got that. You will reach your Destination by 7:30 PM. Do you have any specifications of location in Shinjuku?" Asked my in-built Tata Car Assistant.

"Open contact cards and search Chihaya San and navigate me to her home." I said.

"Sure thing! We have a restaurant enroute which you often visit. Do you wanna stop here for a while?" Asked my assistant.

"Well, nope, get the food packed instead. I don't think we need much. 1 McAloo Tikki Burger Taste Pill will be enough. Its a 4bhour journey only. Isn't it?" I answered.

"Ok mam." Assured my assistant.
My assistant was a kind and polite woman. The technology had evolved so much. We had a flying car. It had everything in it.
Yes everything- a bed, a navigation system, a comfortable seat, a bathroom, a pantry & a toilet. It filled its water supply before I guided my assistant to leave.

My assistant might be a robot, but it has some feelings. It understands me. It knows all my secrets. No privacy problems because I myself developed it. I am glad I could complete it.

Everyone has their own assistants. All assistants rely on the kind of developer they have... So... Often my assistant gets mad at me. Just like me. But as such, she is a very amiable one. I love her.

There was a silence for a bit long. My assistant activated. "Mam, would you like to have anything?"
"Are you hungry?" I asked her.
"Well yes only 45% left" replied my Assistant. I am sure if it was to be a person, she would be having her cheeks on fire. Generally girls blush when they are hungry and ask for food.
"Okay, I will get you charged." I took out the power bank... Which charged my assistant to 98% within 10 mins.

Ofcourse technology had evolved so much. I still remember I always dreamt of living in such a world.

"How much time left dear?" I asked my assistant.

"Mam, its 3:20 hrs." She answered in her usual pleasant tone.

"What The Heck! I am tired already!"

"I think you should sleep. I will wake you up with your favourite iced Mocha latte."

"Aww thank you so much." I was so happy!

"Good Night."

"Same to you but don't sleep." I said trying to make a funny atmosphere.

"Yeah sure haha". She laughed.

All the lights dimmed and my bed with my favourite pillow popped out from the convertible Tata Sofa Bed for Car.

Actually, 8 years back, Tata and Honda had an alliance together.

So we have indo-japanese technology in our cars.
The company collectively is called Nanya... Hyundai is still loved but, Safety is best in Nanya Cars.

I closed my eyes... Some good instrumental started to play.

This trip would cost me about Rs70000/- which was quite decent.

I have been to Tokyo many times. Now I am a visiting faculty there.

Most of the people know me. I am very much respected there. People there know me well now. Why not, they will know me. I have so many friends there. And I come here for both work and liesure. I studied in Delhi University. In SRCC for graduation and FMS for post graduation. All my dreams were fulfilled.
Finally with my Japanese language skill, I could get into this alliance company of Nanya.

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