'The Chase and Life Threats'.

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I felt someone looking at me. But no one was. But still someone was.

"I am scared, I feel bad vibes from that person." I pointed a guy. I said that to my most trustworthy friend Asano.

He was calm and tried to make me calm too. But then, suddenly, everything just freezed.

Yes, The birds flying stopped. The time stopped. Only me and Asano could move. We pinched each other. It wasn't a dream either.

"Anya- You are not any alien, are you?"

"Asano, this is no time to be kidding. Please. Gosh, I am not even married, why this had to happen, I don't wanna die single! Fuck this!" I shouted.

"What a libido." Said Asano as he looked disapprovingly at me.

"Will you be by my side, not in a romantic way, but as a friend, in this hard time, at least."

"I will think over it and then tell you." Said Asano.

"Asano, the time has stopped." I said.

"It has. I am also scared." Said Asano.

We heard a sudden piece of metal falling.

I was so scared that I held him so badly that my nailmarks were temporarily engraved on his arms. "It seems the time has not stopped." He clearly said.
It was impossible.

"Then why are the birds not flying?" I said.

"You're right." Said Asano.

"Lets go there." I said. We moved towards that person who seemed to be gazing at me, and surprisingly he was also able to move. Now I was more than scared. So was Asano, I think.

But he didn't show it. I was worried now. That person started to move towards us.

We both tried to act like we were also frozen like others. I was clutching Asano so tightly that he screamed. And, wow, the weird man began running towards us. He suddenly left all his flesh aside. And looked like a very scary robot.

The time had stopped. There was nothing me and Asano could do.

Asano said, "Anya, Run ! Just Run! Keep Running! Its just one, we can be saved."

"OK! In different directions then."  We ran and then suddenly at least 40 of them appeared. We were surrounded on both sides by them, the robots. Me and Asano kept running. We met at a point. We decided to use our assistants' creative power for creating things so that we can beat those chasers to death. We did so, it was working. Every blue machine suddenly turned red.

And then everything stopped.

Only me, Asano and that bad guy were able to move. He came to us. We were holding each other tight, in hope of being able to be out of this nightmare.

I wasn't going to betray him and go and let him suffer this. And he won't betray me. We were just trying our best. The bad guy came towards us.

"Hello Mr Asano and Mrs Anya, pleasure to meet you both. I am Nakiji Yamamura. You can call me Nakiji. Well I have you here, because you know everything now. You both figured it out. Help me, we will travel through time together and improve our future. Do you agree?"

"Nope! We -" I tried to shout, but Asano stopped me.

"We both would love to. Thankyou." Asano said. I could see a tear in his eye which he wasn't ready to shed.

Nakiji took us to a 100 F building. And we both were accomodated a home there, named , "SPECIAL TIME TRAVEL KNOWLEDGE PEOPLE."

"Well, I would like to meet you both at 5:30PM sharp." He ordered.

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