The Challenge

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The second round had begun.

An ace of hearts, how would I beat? Okay, use trump card, then put a Queen of Hearts cuz I only have the King.

I planned. I did so.

Okay, this was my pair.

"Hey, what's up with you? You did it?" I asked Asano.

"Iya (NO in Japanese), its way hard. Even calculator can't solve it. It has some signs we never studied."

"What?" I asked amazed.

"Like a combination of ß&θ." Explained Asano.

"Try adding them. I have heard this on some YouTube video or a podcast." I tried to help Asano.

"Okay. I think it will take at least about half an hour to do this. " said Asano.

"Okay I will get the game extended a bit." I said.

"Okay." Said Asano.

I was playing the game... Suddenly so many notifications.. all hacked account which I recovered by winning the first round, were messaging thanks and offering them as a currency to continue.
I was so happy but scared too.

An Ace Again, why?
It was the ace of trump, what could I do.? No! I can't give up. I threw a 2 of spade . But there were 4 cards still left. We kept battling hard. Now we both had equal cards won and this last one would define who shall win round to. My limit was set as 100,000. I chanted god's name and put the card. I couldn't believe , I won.

I recovered 300,000. We kept putting, round three was won by him.

And 200,000 accounts were gone.

And then, Round 4 was my win, I won 500,000.

Then round 5 was my win, 700,000, round 6, round 7 till round 13, accounts recovered were many.

The worst one was Round 11. I felt like being killed, it set up a limit, of more than 2,000,000 accounts and I was on the verge of losing. I actually did. I was asked if I wanted to continue, I said yes and in the next go I grabbed 2,500,000 accounts. It was sooo close!!!

And now it was about time... Asano had solved maximum.. but at the end, that bad guy had changed the code. The next puzzle appeared.

Now Asano was in tears.

I asked him to not lose hope. This one was easier, to be frank. And he solved it in no time.

He put the enter bar & I was on the last round I out my last card, & bingo! It was a win!!!!

We finally won. Now we ordered beer, Now the hotel staff was mad than ever.

But they brought it for us proudly because we did recover some of their accounts also.

He was happy, his tears were those of happiness. I suddenly saw everything return to normal on 'Zenbu-tale' accounts.

But what was going on? What about that Nakiji Yamamura? I tried my level best to understand. I shared everything with Asano. Even he was concerned by all this. I was really sick of it . But we needed to solve this, it had lives of people ruined.

I recieved a video call... From Jenny and Krish thanking me. "Hey!! Thanks a lot , you guys helped us." They said.

"No problem." Said Asano.

"How did you do it by the way?" They asked, still unaware of our battle. We did seal it soon, so that no media sites can reach to us.

"We just did some codes and entered some data and we got it right in place." I smiled.

We hung up the call. Me and Asano were headed to Cherry Blossom Viewing. Afterall, we wanted to relax and enjoy nature. We were there before we thought we shall go there or not. Now there was all couplish surrounding and, here I was, just criticizing them for fake love.

"Lets go to fortune drawing" I said.

"Okay." Asano smiled.

"Oh you beautiful people are perfect for here!" Shouted the kinda priest.

We both smiled.

"So young man and young lady, what would you like to draw in fortune?" He asked.

"Umm well, I guess, how will things work out in future?" I said.

"Okay, this is here. Check it out."

The wheel rotated, we both picked up chits saying our names.

'Good Luck' Asano got.

'You've been seeing your love recently.' I got. I blushed seeing Asano but I hid my fortune from him.

"Good Luck!" Said the priest and bowed.

"You shall try to pray to the luck god." The priest suggested.

We obeyed.

As we prayed, some people were talking about the after prayer challenges.

There were so many challenges there. What could we do? Now we had to attempt them. To prove if the fortune was really true.

First we had to attend a quiz.

We got full marks.

Then we had to go for the robot slapping booth. The robot slaps you, before it does it 10 times, you have to change the code. We passed that also with full marks.

Then finally the last stage, it was chess. I was the Queen, Asano was the King , I had to protect him. And playing the game was super duper fun! "Go you!" I shouted. After a few minutes it was a check for the opponent. The game seemed to end.

But no, it was the beginning. The robots against us, they started vibrating. And suddenly Nakiji appeared.

"So as I thought, the coding mastery is with you only!" He said and then became serious.

"You are something, you both." He shouted, " You both have defeated me there, what about a game of chess with me?"

"Okay, we will." Said Asano.

The game started, in just 5-6 moves , we got a check, I had to show the power of true love, if the fortune was correct.

I said 'Asano' with all the power I had. For seeing everyone smile, I had to do it. It seemed I got ideas suddenly. I started making good moves and then there we were , I did the last move, it was a check - mate.

"You have won the challenge, what can I do now?" Said a frustrated Nakiji.

"Listen, we are gonna help you." I said looking at Asano.

"We are gonna get a good future and then we are gonna look after them having a good relationship. You need not worry." Said Asano confidently.

"I trust you both as well as power of love. Let me tell you some highlights of your future."

"No! We wanna make it good ourselves don't tell!!" I shouted excitingly.

"I am going back in future. I hope things have changed now." He said.

"Yes we promise to help you." Both me and Asano said loyally.

He boarded his time machine and we waved a goodbye to him.

He wasn't a bad person, we realised all he was doing was for true love.

True love is something which everyone needs and deserves, and we can't say now that he is a bad guy. Nope, won't say that!

We are gonna improve the relations of everyone.

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