The Secret of Asano's Mom

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"Asano, you remember your mom's voice there?" I asked suddenly too much out of curiosity.

There we go, Asano was crying again.

"Eh, I am sorry, honey, don't cry. You crybaby!" I tried to lift his mood.

Asano, slapped me.

All in vain.


The whole way to that hotel we had booked we didn't say a word.

I was quite sad of him slapping me.

I had not spoke a word to him.

Eventually, the whole night went in the code.

And now it was time for company meetings.

We turned to normal, we didn't talk, though. I just asked my company assistant to communicate a few things.

And the meeting was a success, as expected. We had a nice business seminar after everything.
And oh, here we were, ball dancing.

"Would you like to dance with me, madam?" Said a gentle man.

"I am sorry, I already have a partner reserved." I replied.

The whole time I had been thinking of Asano.

Out of the crowd, the first person I noticed was Asano.

But he was talking with some other lady, seeing this, the rage I got, I dropped my plate and apologized.

Suddenly I saw Vidhi.

This was a big coincidence.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Asked Vidhi

"Nothing. Just hang in here."

"Oh is that Asano? And that might be his girlfriend. They look cute together, no, wait she is actually tocuhing him."

I texted Asano "You will die, I will kill you, you have 2 minutes."

Asano took out his phone and looked around.

He was astonished.

He looked into my eyes and I gave him a dangerous expression.

He was about to go but the lady pulled him towards herself.

I reached the place where Asano was standing.


"Take your filthy hand off him."

"Who are you?" Asked the lady.

Meanwhile Vidhi had taken everyone on a silent video call.

"I am the girlfriend of the guy you just touched! Move away from him!"

Vidhi was drinking water which, in hearing all this fell out of her mouth.

I went back to my room alone.
"Peaceful, no, remove frustration music on." I commanded.

My weightless headphones were on my ears and I was listening to the songs peacefully while I dozed off in rage and crying badly.

It was then, when music stopped. I woke up, it was really weird, Asano wasn't back yet. He probably went to sleep with that lady.

I heard wierd noises from the bathroom. I entered.

There was a woman there.

I was scared.

"W-w-who!!! Who are you?!!" I shouted.

"Asano's mom." She said.

"But weren't you-"

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