The London Romance

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The feeling that I got on this, probably of love, somehow? Who knows? It made me blush too, my eyes rolled and we both maintained eye contact. After 5 s we both averted our eyes. I wasn't sure at all.

Probably, but this made my heart race, because, I wasn't in a mood to have romance. I was sad for his mom. Maybe, that's why he changed so much.

This made him change. I was thinking since long, what made him change so much, "the experience of fear of losing someone very dear to you, and later you actually lose them," it has changed him.

Every 4-5 minutes, we looked at each other and then averted our eyes. The building seemed to be old. It didn't have many technologies. The lifts were not working well, we used stairs. I felt like I came 20 years back.

There was not even an in-hotel travel capsule or whatever.

We finally reached there. The lady handed us a key and asked us to call at reception for any help. We thanked her. She left.

Asano had completely lost his mind. He wasn't doing any well. He wasn't showing but I could figure out. I grabbed the key from him, "Asano, I guess before entering here, we shall go to a nice park, okay?"

"No.. I am not going to park."

"Um please" I bent a little in order have an eye contact, which worked, "Okay, if you insist."

After a long walk of holding our hands together, and walking in silence, I could feel the sadness he carried.

We then lied down on the grass. I too, lied down fully like him. He told me to sit up.

"But why?" I asked.

"Your position is such that you can be assaulted easily." He replied in an odd way.

"Huh? Who's gonna do it?"

"Any man can do it."

"You won't. I know you."

In a blink of eye, he was on me. He was assaulting me. He held both my hands on either sides and then began to move his face forward in order to kiss. I got very much excited. We were about to kiss. I closed my eyes, And suddenly..OW!

Instead of kissing he just hit my forehead with his hand.

"You didn't get assaulted only because you were with me. Okay?"


"You take men too lightly."

He did this to make me understand. How funny.

But I began to cry, not because of what he had done, I mean that was also a reason but other things are also there, like why did I get that much excited at the moment. I was sure in love with him. But maybe he was struggling so I should not force him for anything. We are boyfriend and girlfriend but this is just not right.

After this I cried. He wiped my tears but I was also the one, who jumped on him. And then lying on him, I said, "You can change. Don't be sad. I am here. Open the door of your heart to me. I will help you, for sure."

I took a deep breath, "if someone asks you not to laugh heartily, I will beat that person. You have all rights to be happy okay? And I am always here for you ," I broke off.

My tears fell on him. He began crying too. But he hugged me and wiped my tears. I was also trying to wipe his tears. But it was okay, he didn't want me to see him crying, but later he showed it to me.

"Let me go." After it had been around 3-4 minutes of the hug.

"Not yet, some time more." He said.

I nodded.

It seems we didn't notice and slept there itself. 1 hr later, my alarm rang. Wait what, we had to go back to hotel.

But then I remembered, we had to go to the strange building. We returned holding hands. It was dark everywhere. But we didn't switch to auto bright mode. We were liking the nature.

"Asano-" I said blushing.
Before I even knew,
I was kissed on my lips by Asano.
"I love you." He said.
I blushed but kept walking.

Wait what? We already were couples but why this all of a sudden, why did our relationship become casual over time?

Nope, I won't let it happen. I want serious relationship with Asano.
I stopped.

I ran and just grabbed Asano, hugged him and then just began crying hopelessly.

"You're really so-" Asano began.

I had kissed him.


We again held hands and kept walking. We soon reached the mysterious building.

We entered our room.

I was badly tired as I had to climb stairs.

I lied on the bed.

Asano came and tried to act as if he was assaulting me.

This time,
"Do it, stupid." I shouted.

"Eh?" Asano was shocked.

"Ahou baka hentai!!!" (Stupid, Jerk, Pervert) I shouted at him.

He pressed my hands tighter. I shouted in pain.

Then he went easy on me.

He left me and then I was made to sit up. I was still wanting to cry. The position of sitting of us was quite romantic but the assaulting stuff scared me.

"You're afraid, aren't you, of being assaulted?" He asked.

"Un." I nodded.

"Wanna have experience again, but this time real?"

I slapped him hard this time.

He kissed me.


"He loves you. Its his way of loving. My son really looks up to you. I would love it if you married him and do come and visit my grave after you both are married, okay? He loves you more than anyone in this world. Accept him." It was the voice of Asano's mom.

"Did you hear that?" I asked as I looked at Asano.

Asano was in tears.

"I heard that!" Shouted Asano.

"Does that mean you really-" I began.

"Yea! I really love you!!" Said Asano.

I looked down for a while shedding tears.

Suddenly we could see the funeral stand of Asano's mom in our room.

I was aghast.

Asano wiped my tears when Asano's brother Yoichi came in.

"Ah!!! Did I enter in wrong time??? Asano? Ah yes I expected you here. Who is she, a girlfriend? Are you two dating?" He asked.

"We weren't doing anything wrong!" I said defending.

"Ah, your name?" Asked Yoichi.

"Anya Oikawa"

"Eh, sono onna da yo!!!" (Ah, is that girl!)

"What?" I asked.

"He liked you since the day he met you."

"But how come you are here?!!" Shouted Asano.

"This is my new invention but it has some glitch and so now it's completely hacked by an unknown girl."

"Eh??? Hountou?!!!" (Oh?? Really?!!!) I asked feeling troubled.

"Yes!" Said Yoichi, who sounded worried.

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