The Finale

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We both started walking around the whole festival. There was still time in fireworks. We strolled around the stalls.

"I wanna have takoyaki!" Exclaimed Asano.

"I want a vegetarian Ramen!" I said.

We both bought our respective food.
Then we put it on our sofa and then we went to play goldfish catching game.

"Ohh!! I failed Again!!" I exclaimed.

"You have one last turn, honey."


"Lemme help you."

"Arigatõ Gozaimasu" (thank you) I smiled.

He held my hand with warmth.
And oh, what a magic, I caught the fish!

"See, you did it!" Said Asano smiling favourably at me.

"You made it happen, my love."

"Hehe.." he replied blushing.

We then held each other's hands and continued looking around. Holding Asano's hands in that vibrant festive mood was a really magical feeling.

It felt like a real date.

The Fireworks were about to begin.
We both went to sit on the sofa we booked with the food we had bought.

But then suddenly, Asano stood.

He dragged me to a silent place where fewer people were there.

And he was facing towards me.

And there, suddenly, the first firework flew up.

I and Asano kept seeing each other. He put a ring in my finger. It was a real diamond ring.

"I love you. I want to marry you. Will you marry me?" He said in his gentle voice.

My throat went soar. I couldn't tell how much happy I was!

"F-for sure," I replied trying to be calm, but all in vain, I went ahead and threw myself in his arms.

The second firework flew up.

And then 3rd, then 4th,5th,6th altogether.

What a majestic sight it was!

Asano silently hugged me, his warmth and the sparkling fireworks, altogether, made my heart skip a beat.

That was the sensation of true love.

The fireworks kept going up and made a spectacular view of the never-ending beautiful dark sky.

Someone says right, "Stars can't shine without darkness." But I will change it to, "Fireworks aren't beautiful or even visible without the dark sky."

Even if we had developed so much, instead of sitting on the sofa we moved to the grassy area, sat there and watched the fascinating fireworks which made me feel delighted.

Even Asano was happy.

And then 2 fireworks together went up, we expected them to burst but they didn't as if waiting for us to do something.

As soon as we kissed, they burst out, as if celebrating our love.

Oh! What a beautiful sight it was, of that summer festival, which happened just a little time ago.

The following day, I went alone to a shop and bought a ring.

We drove to The Double Radisson Blue Moon.

"A hall for engagement ceremony, please." Said Asano holding my hands as gently as he could.

I smiled at him and then looking at my ring finger. I was finally getting engaged!

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