This is not a normal Glitch!

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Jenny's home was beautiful. I never knew she could decorate it like that. Well, she seemed a bit disturbed so I chose not to irritate her like we used to in our school days. So I followed her. Just before entering, I noticed some strange wave coming from the room.

"Stop! Right there!" I exclaimed.

"What happened? A prank?"



"Use your earpiece dude... Can't u feel that awkward wave coming?"


"Hmm someone hacked your earpiece."


"Well, wait a minute. I think I will check on class reunion group whoever is the nearest here. Lemme drop a message there."

"But why? What reunion group?"

"There are awkward cyber waves coming here which are not of a normal PC. And as for the group, you were in contact of none. I don't know how did you find my number. But it was quite impressive." I began explaining.

"I think there's a technical glitch nothing else. I can feel no wave."

"I am sure your earpiece is hacked and your system is being attacked. Its not a normal Glitch."

"Well see the code here-"

"Well, I am telling you the waves aren't normal!" I snapped in rage.

Now she wasn't believing me. And this hurt me. I searched on nearest friends.

Soon I got a friend. I called him straight away. Spoke a bit about myself to make him reminisce about me. His name is Krish.

"Hey Krish, you are also a cyber geek, right?"

"Yeah I am."

"I urgently need your help."

"In what?"

"Just come to this location soon. You are the nearest! You are in Osaka you can come in just 10 minutes from flying car."

"Okay... I am coming."

"*Anya sent an address card*"

In 12 minutes the doorbell rang. I opened the door fast before the robot could reach.

"Hello" greeted Krish.

"Hey come inside fast." I replied in a hurry.

"Yes, I am coming in."

"Good. Do you have your wave detector or earpiece or wave lens?"

"Umm yes I have my wave detector."

"Fast, follow me!"

We ran toward the room.

"Detect the waves from here!" I ordered.

"Okay." Said Krish calmly.

"What are the results?" I asked curiously.

"Hey!!! Those aren't normal waves. You are being hacked!"

"We need to get the stuff right!"

Meanwhile Jenny was astonished at this.

I asked her to shut down the PC for now. I asked my assistant for some help. As I had created her, it wasn't possible to hack her in any case.
But she was also confused at this.

"Okay this is a serious case. I think we need to do something about it. It is possible others are suffering it too." Said Krish.

"I agree. Things aren't going nice. This is surely some hacking pattern that is being used." I thought for a while.

"Jenny, well, tell me, is this the same case with any of your colleagues?" I asked her.

"Uhh well, 5-6 days before I recieved such a kind of case with a colleague, not 1 but at least 5. But I am not in contact with them since 4 days." She said.

"Accounts are being hacked!" Yelled Krish.

"Sure they are, but which platform is it." I asked.

"It is 'Zenbu-Tale'." Replied Jenny.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Hmm, it has data records of past. There are rumours that you can travel back in time through this and get the records changed." Explained Krish.

"Oh, yes, I think I have heard about it."

I had my assistant recording all our talks.

"I think we should solve this. We are into cyber stuff. We should take it in our hands now." Said Krish.

"I think we need more people." I said.

"Umm I think you should reach out to reunion group and create a separate group for developers." Suggested Jenny.

"Lemme search them!" I said.

After 5 mins... I got the other two also.

"Vidhi and Asano are joining us." I said with hope.

I was invited for a VC on the transparent air screen. I recieved it. It was Asano and Vidhi.

"Hello... I sent you the recordings. I hope you know now what's the case." I asked.

"Well yeah. I am in The USA right now. It will take 10 hrs from here by flying car." Said Asano.

"Ok take your time dude." I said.
"I am on way, reaching shortly within 28 mins." Said Vidhi.

"Oh that's nice! We are waiting." I said. We all hung up the call.

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