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"Here lies the last Homely House East of the Sea," Gandalf says.

As Bilbo stands with mouth agape at Rivendell, Thorin turns to Gandalf, fury etched across his face. "This was your plan all along," he growls. "To seek refuge with our enemy."

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield," Gandalf retorts. "The only ill will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself." Bilbo surreptitiously glances back at the pair of bickering leaders. He keeps his face blank, desperately wanting to go down to the valley, but not wanting to anger Thorin, who is temperamental about the elves at best.

"Who think the elves, will give our quest their blessing?" Thorin spits incredulously. "They will try to stop us," he says, shaking his head in frustration.

"Of course they will," Gandalf says good-naturedly. "But we have questions that need to be answered."

Thorin slowly lowers his head, fighting his pride and trying to let good sense prevail. He gives a sigh of defeat. "If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact. And respect," Gandalf tells him. "And no small degree of charm." He gives Bilbo a quick wink when Thorin isn't looking. "Which is why you will leave the talking to me."


They descend into the Elves' Valley on the small dirt trail which slowly gives way to the stone walkways that arch throughout Rivendell. Passing over one of the many rivers roaring down from waterfalls, Bilbo looks around with a smile on his face, pleased to feel the warm sunlight on his face and a sense of safety that has been sorely lacking since this quest began.

Gandalf leads the party to a round platform at the bottom of a set of stairs, a theatre designed perfectly for welcoming guests, Thorin staying close behind him. Kili and Fili follow further back, Kili gently shifting the woman in his arms. She is breathing softly against his chest but every so often her eyes crease in pain before she settles again. Looking around him, Kili hopes that the majesty of this place also means it contains powerful healers. Despite the danger being past, she is still gravely injured.

The dwarves gather loosely on the dais, examining their surroundings. Thorin dips his head low to confer with Dwalin, his whisper sounding tight and angry. They scan the surroundings with more caution than their companions. Above on the stairs, a tall, dark-haired elf steps into view, passing between two guards clad in mail and midnight blue robes. "Mithrandir!" He calls.

Gandalf turns to looks up at him. "Ah, Lindir!" Gandalf says fondly as the elf lightly touches his chest above his heart, offering the same hand towards the wizard.

"Stay sharp," Thorin whispers to Dwalin as Lindir reaches the bottom of the steps and approaches Gandalf. Bilbo peers around the dwarves trying to get a better glimpse at what is going on. Kili holds onto the woman a little tighter, not knowing how to react around elves.

Lindir says something to Gandalf in Elvish to which the wizard responds "I must speak with Lord Elrond."

Lindir's expression shifts but only slightly as if he has practiced great control over the course of his life to appear so perfect. "My Lord Elrond is not here," Lindir says, this time in the Common Tongue, hair stirring slightly in the breeze.

Gandalf's eyebrows crease slightly in confusion. "Not here?" He looks beyond Lindir for a moment as though expecting the elf lord to be hiding somewhere in the House. "Where is he?"

Lindir looks ready to reply when a hunting call rings clear and true in the valley and his gaze goes behind Gandalf. "Ah," the wizard says with an amused smile and turns to look back through the archway they had just come through as the sound of approaching horses fill the air. All the dwarves turn as one to see the host descending the slopes into the valley.

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