Scene 12 - Freeze!

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Batman and Robin jump up from the ladder to a new domain; Mr. Freeze's domain! We have the central hall frozen with ice with a top layer along leading left and out. Another section from the right where there is another level we see. Below it is something turned in the wall we cannot see. A slotting mechanism can open it, such as a key our heroes need Some of the alleyways leading around as a balcony has been blocked off by rubble, or broken away and collapsed. Two fountains on each side of the open space feature fountains, each on separate sides of the space but not directly in the centre nor at the far corner, but equal distance apart from each other and the wall. However, at the top in the centre – Mr. Freeze! And a number of his goons ready to attack. He laughs and points to them before the goons jump down to attack. Mr. Freeze fires some bolts in the air which will crash down onto them if they don't dodge them!


Hmph. Cool party. Don't worry Batman. Just chill.

Batman sighs. The men jump down as the fight begins. Metal bricks fall and crash around them. Three goons are first to attack. They are easily beaten up by the pair before more jump down. Men in thick blue coats to protect themselves from the cold. Some iced rubble smashes over them, injuring all of them, thanks to Mr. Freeze's schemes! Robin punches one of the goons, kicks him and punches him to the wall as a metal card falls out of his pocket. Batman successfully beats up the other two crooks, before another three jumps down and Mr. Freeze fires out bolts from his hugely grand freeze gun.


Robin. That might be the key you need to open up that sealed opening.


I'm on it!

He grabs it and dashes to it. The final six men have descended down to deal with the heroes. Three go for Robin and three for Batman. Boy Wonder slips in the key as the sealed opening reveal Robin's ice suit. He hurriedly jumps in before the goons grab him, as he is transformed into his new suit. He then pulls out the freeze ray, a massive gun like Mr. Freeze's and aims it at them. The laughing goons stop. Robin fires as they are covered by the cold air freezing all three of them. He then dashes to the other criminals to help Batman, who has dodged out the way as they are frozen into ice. Mr. Freeze loses his patience as he jumps down and prepares to freeze them too! Batman and Robin both attack and beat him up, knocking his gun away, and leaving him beaten up, confused and dizzy, then passing out.


Good job Robin. Looks as though up there is our only way forward.


Hang on a sec. We'll have to cross over.

He freezes the fountains enabling them both to cross over, then freezing the stream at the back of the wall to allow access to climbing up. First climbing up the frozen stream, followed by running left and out to the edge to where they take a runner up and launch themselves over the first fountain. Robin is one platform behind Bruce. Finally, after jumping on and launching off two platforms of cold ice and onto the platform at the right. There is another lift, sealed up by more ice. There is a switch to the right as a radiator beside it will melt it. The lever is pulled and the ice melts as the next lift entrance opens, ready to take up our heroes.


We're one step nearer to getting out of here Robin.

They descend in the lift upwards...

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