The alley

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Rachel's POV

Flash back: "hey Rachel can I speak to you? Privately?" Louis asked. "yeah aure" we walked out side "so what did you want to ask me?" I asked. "well theres this girl I really like and I need help to get her! Help me?" louis asked. So he liked someone else? Cool. Cool. Yeah I'm not jealous pft no! No way! "um.. Yeah sure who is she?" I asked. "well her name is hailey, you know the beautiful brunette at the school with the best eyes and personality!" Louis said. So this hailey girl wait that's me! So he likes me? Huh.. Didnt see that coming "soo how would you like me to help?" I asked. "well hailey would you go out with me?" Louis asked. Well I do kinda like him and mr. stephens did say I should become one of their girlfriends so I can be around them more often and if I said no I don't think Louis would like me so much "yes" I replied smiling. Then he crashed his lips into mine. I know I know cliche but I felt sparks. It was truly amazing then I let go. "wanna go for a walk?" he asked. I nodded. We started walking until we got to an alley. Oh no there places aren't usaully good "hey Louis lets get out of h-" I got cut off by some dude "hey princesses leaving so soon? The party just started." he said evilly "guys grab the dude I got the hotty" he said again then five other men came out and grabbed Louis. Crap I'm not in disguise think think! Then he grabbed me and pushed me into a wall and tried to kiss. Oh so he was going to rape me? Nope don't think so. "noooo" Louis yelled. I kneed him in the balls and pulled his head down making it smack into the ground. Haha nice. Then the other 5 guys came after me "no don't get her take me instead" clueless Louis yelled. I Kicked one in the knee cap and pushed him into another man makin them fall then went behind two other men and banging there heads together then I went up to the last one and he ran away before I did anything I just started laughing and I guess Louis was to busy crying with his head in his hands to see but when I laughed I guess that got his attention "what just happened how are you still here" he asked and sniffled. "um well the got into a fight with eachother and knocked eachother out" I said thinking quickly he just kissed me. Mm sweet lips. "let's leave now" I said. "okay" he nodded. We walked back to the hotel.

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