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Sonic's P.O.V.
I walked into a cafeteria. It was part of my morning routine by now. It had already been 15 years, and I was still used to going to eat breakfast at a cafeteria like I used to every day with Tails.

I have not seen him since that day. I could not go a day without thinking of THEM. But I still can't go back. I can't call them, nor see them. Not after what happened. Not after everything that happened after.

I walked in and my heart skipped a beat at seeing HIM. He was sitting down at the bar just eating.

I sighed and walked to the bar then sat down. "Hey, the usual?" Loo asked me, the owner of the cafeteria and also the one cooking. She had cookers but she loved helping around her cafeteria.

I nodded at her then glanced at my side. He hadn't noticed it was me. How could he? I was wearing a white hoodie. I wasn't usually one to wear clothes. But it was cold outside.

"You are alone, Sweetie?" Loo asked from the opening to see outside the kitchen.

I smiled softly and nodded. "It's Monday Loo. It's also 10 in the morning. I woke up late." I laughed softly.

This time his ears perked up. I am sure he recognized my voice. I looked at him and waved at him. He looked at me shocked and quickly stood up then was about to take out the wallet but I raised my hand to stop him.

"Not even a 'hi'?" I asked and he raised a brow. "Don't leave."

"You know him?" Loo asked as she brought my food and then put a paper bag in front of me. "On the house." I knew what was in there.

"Thanks Loo. And yes..." I looked at him. "We know each other." It had been 16 years. Everyone had forgotten about us by now. There were people who would still recognize us but it wasn't like before. Mobius didn't need heroes anymore. We were all retired.

"I am leaving, Hedgehog." Shadow said and I shook my head.

"Can I at least buy you a coffee? For old times sake." I said and he tapped his foot on the floor then sighed and nodded.

"Fine. Just one." He agreed and sat back down. I smiled and looked at Loo. She smiled back and nodded then served us coffee.

"It's been a long time." I said and he hummed then nodded.

"16 years already." He grabbed the coffee and slowly drank from it as I started eating.

"What have you been up to?" I asked and he looked down at his food and kept eating. "Do you live here?"

"No, I am staying here for now though. I retired from G.U.N. Just last year. I have been traveling I guess. Nothing much." He shrugged and I nodded.

"You retired? Really? I thought you'd stay there all your life." I said and he shook his head.

"After Eggman died. Everything was too boring." He said and I nodded. "What have you been doing?"

"Oh, well nothing much. I go to the castle every once in a while to visit my sister. She took my Mothers place when she died. I live here, I've been living in this city for the past 14, almost 15 years. Are you... still in contact with everyone else?"

"No. I lost contact since the day you left. Except with Rouge. But I haven't talked or seen her after I retired."

We went in talking about as we ate. I missed this.

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