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Shadow's P.O.V.
"Come on." Sonic laughed. "I am not how I was when we were younger. I've changed from when we were dating."

"You two dated?!" Sonic and I quickly looked behind us to see the twins growling.

"So not only did you hurt him but you also used him?!" Luke growled furiously.

They both dashed to me but I quickly chaos controlled in the other couch and they looked at me shocked.

"They are good. I suppose you took them to train at the castle. Didn't you?" I asked Sonic as I kept a straight face but Sonic knew what I was doing so he laughed.

"You know I did. I wasn't going to let them go around without knowing how to properly fight. What do you think?" He asked and I nodded.

"They aren't bad." I hummed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sam asked as he growled and they both glared at me. "You've gone to the castle?"

"I went many times with Sonic when we were dating." I said calmly.

"What are your intentions with him?" Luke asked.

"My intentions?" I raised a brow. "I just came to talk. We haven't seen in each other in more than a decade."

"Shadow and I just want to talk, boys. Nothing else. He isn't here for anything else, trust me." He smiled slightly but his ears were slightly lowered. I knew that hurt him.

"Sonic..." I said since I wanted to apologize.

"It's okay, Shadow. With the way things ended between us, I know you just came to catch up." He looked at me.

"Mom." We both looked at the twins. They were looking at Sonic with their ears lowered but then they smiled. "We'll make you two something to eat while you two catch up."

"Thank you." Sonic said and I nodded and thanked them as well. Then they left to the kitchen.

Sonic and I talked about random stuff, mostly about old times. When we would fight against Eggman and all the adventures we all had before his death. It wasn't until we got closer to the time where we broke up when things started to get awkward.

Then he asked.

"Come on. We are older now, more mature. So, can you tell me why you broke up with me that day? Were you not happy with me? Were you using me? I never knew why." He said and my ears perked up.

I looked at him making my ear twitched at remembering everything we went through.

"You slept with Rose." I said as calmly as I could but it still hurt me to think of that day so I looked down at my hands. I tried not to say it so loud since the kids were in the kitchen which was nearby.

"You saw us?" He asked. I glanced up and I saw his ears drop.

"Yes, it killed me. You promise me you wouldn't hurt me. We promised each other that, remember? A week after we started dating we made that promise to each other when I told you I was scared of what would happen since I wasn't one to date. I got attached and you messed everything up." I confessed making him pin his ears down.

"Can I explain now? Since you didn't let me talk that day." He said and I raised a brow confused. "I messed up, but because she drugged me. I left after you broke things off because I could not handle the pain. I needed to go to the hospital. I never came back because I noticed how much you hated me. You told me you never wanted to see me again, so that's what I did. I disappeared. I didn't sleep with her because I wanted to. I was drugged, Shadow." He said with his ears pinned down making me freeze in place.

I looked at him both shocked and hurt. I felt really bad, no wonder his eyes were red the moment I went to his house that day. I couldn't believe it. All those years crying over him, trying to get him off my mind. Those years regretting what had happened. All those years... We could have been together.

But none of that happened because... because of Rose... And because I did not give him time to talk.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't kn-" Once again I was cut off.

"Forget about it. It's in the past, Shadow." He smiled making me smile softly.

We changed the subject and we kept on talking for a while.

"Foods ready." Luke walked to us and gave us a plate of food. I knew they had heard our entire conversation. Why else would they have offered to make the food when they hated me not long ago.

"Thank you." We said in sync and they nodded then went to eat at the table as we ate in the living room and kept on talking until I finished eating and looked at the time.

"It's... getting late. I need to go. Sorry if you had plans today." I said and he chuckled and shook his head.

"It's fine. It was nice talking to you again, Shadow." He had not once called me by that nickname and to be honest, it hurt.

But what should I expect? I broke up with him more than a decade away and had kids, of course he moved on.

We both walked to the door and I walked out as he held the door open. I said bye and was about to leave but then I stopped and looked at him. "Actually..." I said.

"I have something to tell you." Sonic said.

"I do too." I sighed.

"At the count of 3?" He chuckled making me roll my eyes playfully and nod.

"Don't cheat like in our races." I joked making him laugh and even giggle turning my smile even bigger.

"You were the one that always cheated!" He playfully said and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms and rested on the door frame. "Let's just both say it at the count of 3. Deal?"


"1..." I looked at him completely ignoring the fact that the kids were looking at us from the stairs.

"2..." He looked at me in the eyes making my ear twitched multiple times.

"3..." We both took a deep breathe and blurred out the same thing in sync.

"I never stopped loving you..."

The End
:3 Alright so now you all decide. Does this end here? Or do you want an epilogue? There will be NO sequel but if you guys want. There can be an epilogue.

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