Epilogue (2/2)

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Shadow's P.O.V.
"Are... are you crazy...?" Sonic asked and stood up looking at me shocked. "Tell me you are joking."

"I'm not. I'm not joking. Sonic, I love you." I stood up and held his hand then I cupped his muzzle. "We've been years away from each other, when we could have been together. We never stopped loving each other." He looked me in the eyes as if looking for an answer.

"Shadow..." He mumbled, a whisper barely.

"Why don't we get married? We've waited for so long already. I don't want to lose you again. Not again. I'm never letting go of you." I rested my forehead in his.

"I-I... Alright... Yes... You are right..." He pecked my lips and smiled. "We've waited enough." I smiled at his response and hugged him.

"I love you..." I kissed him passionately as I held him close to me. I had missed his kisses so much and having him in my arms. This was the best feeling ever. Something I thought I was never going to have back.

"Chaos, the kids are going to be so mad." Sonic said and I chuckled.

"Let me talk to them." I kissed his cheek.

"Are we going to tell the others tomorrow?" He asked after he nodded and I smiled and nodded back at him.

"I'll be right back." I said and walked to where Sonic told me their room was at. I knocked on the door and Sam opened it. "I knew you wouldn't be asleep yet, can I talk to you two?"

"What about?" Luke said from his bed as Sam let me in.

"About your mom and me." I sat on the chair they had for their desk and looked at them as they both sat in their beds, I sat in front of their beds in between them.

"I swear, if you hurt him, we will-" Sam started.

"Kill me. I know. But trust me, I want to be with him more than anything in the world. You heard the way him and I ended things and if it wouldn't had been for Rose, I wouldn't had ended things with your mom. I want to be with him, I love him and I know he loves you. You two are his priority and like him, I want you two to like me. I'm not your dad, I am never going to ask you to call me dad, nor will I force you two to have a relationship with me. But I am going to be in your lives for as long as I can."

"Why?" They said in sync. "We are not going to get attached to someone who is going to leave in a week." Luke said.

"Or will betray us." Sam crossed his arms.

"I'm going to be with you for as long as I can, I am never going to hurt you or your mother. You can always count on me for anything." I took a deep breathe. "I want to marry Sonic." I said as calmly as I could and they froze.

"No. No. No." They both glared at me. "You'll hurt him."

"I want to marry Sonic, only if you let me." I said and they looked at me shocked.

"Why do you keep asking for our permission?" Sam raised a brow.

"Because I know that your mother is the most important thing to both of you. I know he loves you too more than anything in the world. And I am not going to destroy this family by randomly appearing in the picture." I smiled slightly. "What you two think about this matters to me, I know Sonic has kids and I will never forget that, I will never get you away from your mom." They looked at each other looking surprised for what I had said then they smiled slightly and looked at me.

"No one had ever asked for our opinions." Luke started.

"Everyone would just ignore us and try to get mom away from us." Sam said.

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