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Sonic's P.O.V.
I laughed and he chuckled as we kept talking. "Um, Sweetie, it is 2 already." Loo snapped us out of our conversation.

"That's ok- Wait. 2? Chaos, I am late!" I checked my phone and looked at the time as I started to mentally panic.

"Late? You had plans?" Shadow asked.

"I um... sort of. I really have to go. I'm sorry." I stood up and paid. I grabbed the paper bag that Loo had given me but she took it away from me.

"Those are already cold." She gave me another one. "Tell them I said Hi." She smiled making me smile and nod.

"Sure thing." I chuckled and looked at Shadow then extended my hand and he held it then we shake hands. "It was nice seeing you again, Shadow. Take care."

What had happened between us, for me, was in the past. I couldn't do anything about it anymore. I couldn't do anything about it before either.

"You too..." Shadow said as he looked at me. "Wait, Sonic." He grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Yeah?" I asked confused and looked at him again.

"Can I get your number?" He chuckled.

"Oh. Right." I laughed softly. "Um, well I am actually in a hurry right now. But Loo has my number. Loo?" I looked at her.

"I got it. Now go before you get in trouble again." She laughed and I nervously laughed then nodded.

"Thanks Loo, you're a life saver." I said meaning for the food she gave me since I hadn't cooked anything at home.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked and I shrugged then said bye to her and to Shadow then dashed off.

Shadow's P.O.V.
I couldn't stop thinking of him after I saw him. It was the next day already and I was laying down in the bed at the hotel.

I looked at the phone number that girl at the cafeteria had given me. I had gone back in the morning to see if I would see him again but as soon as I sat down she told me he didn't go on Tuesdays. Apparently he had a schedule to go and I found that funny.

I got on my laptop and looked for information. I managed to find his address in no time. I wrote it down and closed the laptop. That's all I needed to know.

I sat down and tapped a pencil with the paper as I thought of what to do.

Should I go see him?

I didn't think twice about it. I quickly stood up and got ready then grabbed my phone and chaos controlled to where he supposedly lived at and I stood at the door for a bit debating if I should knock or not.

Will he be mad that I checked where he lived?

All these years without him, I really wanted him around but after that day...

I sighed and gave in then knocked on the door, but Sonic didn't open the door.

"You are Shadow, right? What the hell are you doing here?"

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