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Shadow's P.O.V.
"You are Shadow, right? What the hell are you doing here?" The door was opened by a kid. He had Sonics quills just longer. He was a dark blue color and had Sonics eyes. He was glaring and growling at me. If he didn't look so much like Sonic, I wouldn't know this was actually his house.

I looked at the kid for a while until his growl became louder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes... Um... Is Sonic here...?" I said clearly confused.

"No. He is not. Now leave." He crossed his arm and was about to close the door on me when Sonic walked to the door.

"That's enough Sam. Thanks for getting the door. Did you finish your homework? Go help your brother. Come on." Sonic said and looked up at me while I looked at him confused and even hurt. "How did you even figure out where I live?"

"You have kids?" I asked thinking his wife was going to come out but he wasn't wearing a ring so I was confused since the kid looked to be 14 years old.

"It's a long story but yes. I have twins. Before you ask, no, I am not married. I do not know who the dad is and yes, I am a herm. Do you want to come in?" Sonic said calmly taking  me off guard. I slowly nodded and he let me walk in.

"Twins...?" I asked confused then looked at the dining table where they were sitting at. Sam was a dark blue color while the other was a light blue but looked almost the same as his brother. The color and the different height of quills was what difference them. "How old are they? They are just like you." I asked and they both turned to look at me and glared at me.

I was really not welcomed by them. Did I do something wrong?

I tensed up lightly at their glared then I heard them both growl at me. I simply waved my hand hesitantly at them but they kept glaring. They really hated me.

Did Sonic tell them something about me?

Do they know about the way I used to treat Sonic?

Or do they know we used to go out?

These questions kept popping into my mind as I started to feel uncomfortable and really not welcomed here.

"They are about to turn 15 in a month." He said then looked at the twins and crossed his arms. "Don't be rude. Go do your homework in the room. Shadow and I want to talk." He said sternly, in a paternal way.

"But Mo-" Sonic cut them off.

"I said, go to your rooms."

"Fine." They both mumbled and grabbed their stuff, stuffing their things in their backpacks then they both walked to me. The one who I still didn't know his name first.

"Shadow, right?" He looked at me up and down and I slowly nodded. "Names Luke. Hurt him, and you are dead." As soon as he said the last part, I tensed up at suddenly hearing thunder outside.

"Keep your hands to yourself, idiot." Sam warned then they both walked upstairs.

"Boys!" Sonic shouted making them run and then we heard a slam. I looked at Sonic who rubbed his face and sighed. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay... They are kids... Why are they so mad though?" I asked confused.

"They think I am trying to get with someone. They are mad, they don't think anyone is good enough for me." He chuckled softly and guided me to the living room then he sat down.

"Oh. Are you seeing anyone then?" I asked as I sat down and he shook his head.

"Nah, I gave up on that a long time ago."

"Really? How do?"

"Didn't want to end up getting hurt again."

"Oh. Did it-" I hit cut off.

"Yes, because of what happened with us really affected me but that's not why I am not trying to get with anyone. I am fine alone, I raised Sam and Luke by myself. I don't need anyone to help me, I don't need anyone to keep me happy or all that bullsh*t." His ear flickered.

Chaos Sonic.

"You still think I don't know you?" I chuckled knowing he was lying.

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