Epilogue (1/2)

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Sonic's P.O.V.
I closed the door as I blushed and lowered my ears. Shadow chaos controlled away as soon as we both said that. I rubbed my face and turn around then rested back on the door then my ears perked up and I looked up to see the twins standing in front of me.

"You love him?!" They both shouted in disbelief making my ear twitch and sigh.

"That didn't mean anything. We've gone years away from each other and knowing him, he will probably not talk to me for a long time." I mumbled with my ears lowered. "And it isn't your decision if I see him or not." I said sternly.

"But Mom!" Sam started but I crossed my arms.

"But he hurt you!" Luke said.

"You also had no right to listen to our conversation." I made a face signaling how mad I was at them.

"But we had to. We don't need a Dad." Luke said and I chuckled.

"If Shadow and I date, that doesn't mean we are going to get married. Plus, you don't even know him." I said a bit more calmer to them.

"We don't want to." Sam answered.

"He isn't good for you." Luke then responded.

"It's none of your-" I stopped when I heard my phone ring and I answered without checking who it was. "Yes?"

"Do you want to meet with everyone else?" It was Shadow.

"What? Are you serious?"

"I can get in contact with the others, I am sure Sam and Luke will want to meet the rest of their family." I lowered my ears.

"They will be mad though." I said and he chuckled. The kids looked at me confused so I put the phone in speaker.

"I am sure they won't be. They'll understand. I will call everyone but Rose. I don't even want to see her. I'll even call Miles."

"Who's Miles?" The twins asked and looked at me.

"I'm on speaker?" Shadow and I chuckled and I nodded.

"Yes. The kids were mad since they heard our conversation." I answered.

"We aren't kids. And you can't see our Mom." They said in sync. They would usually do that which I found weird.

"I understand. But trust me, I don't want to hurt your mom or either of you. I love him though and I would love if you give me a chance to be with him." Shadow said making me blush and smile. He was good with kids which didn't surprise me.

"Shadow, you are asking my kids if you can date me?" I asked with a chuckle.

"They love you, you are their Mom, their family. I know me asking is really important to them. I promise all I want is to be with you again. Make you happy, be happy." I couldn't stop smiling at what he was saying.

I glanced at the twins who just looked at the phone. Sam spoke first with a stutter.

"Y-You'll leave the moment you hurt him." He said sternly.

"I can tell you made our mom happy, so we will give you one chance with him." Luke said and I chuckled softly.

"Then there is only one thing I can do now." He hung up and I raised a brow confused. There was a knock on the door and I opened it just to smile at seeing Shadow with a bouquet of roses. "Will you go out with me?" He asked as I blushed.

I laughed softly and nodded at him as I blushed. He was the romantic and jealous type, I knew that since we started dating years ago but he still surprised me. "Yes." I walked to him and hugged him and he did so too.

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