The Test (21)

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Your POV

"Is everything okay, Lieutenant?" Connor asks as we all step out of the vehicle.

"Chris was on patrol last night," Hank replies, and I feel myself stiffen a little. "He was attacked by a bunch of deviants. He said he was saved by Markus himself."

I fight the urge to mention that they shot at the deviants first, instead asking cooly, "Damn, is he alright?"

"Yeah, he's in shock, but...he's alive. What the hell," he says, muttering that last part as we all walk up to the house together.

"Kamski left CyberLife ten years ago," Connor points out. "Why did you wanna meet him?"

"This guy created the first android to pass the Turing test and he's the founder of CyberLife. If anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him," Hank responds matter-of-factly.

I knock on the door and we wait for a moment. The door opens not too long afterwards, revealing a female android with platinum blonde hair tied into a ponytail and light blue eyes. Her hair rests on her right shoulder when we look at her, when it's really on her left.

"Hi... Uh— I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski," Hank says to her awkwardly.

"Please, come in," she replies courteously, despite not showing any emotion as she steps off to the side.


Hank goes in first with me second, Connor allowing me to go ahead of him.

"I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable," the girl tells us before walking off.

"Nice girl..." Hank trails off, sitting down in a little chair.

I stride forward a few paces until I'm on the other side of the room, observing the photo of a woman and who I'm assuming to be Kamski himself.

"You're right. She's really pretty," Connor replies, and for whatever reason, that irks me a little on the inside.

I shove the thought away as he stands beside me, probably scanning the people in the photo.

"Do you know who they are?" I ask, glancing up at him.

"The man is Kamski," he starts, "the lady is named Amanda."

Humming in response, I turn and pace the room, a bit anxious—but mainly impatient.

"Will ya cut that out, YN, you're making me nervous," Hank speaks up, and I look to him.

That statement made Connor glance at us, but I don't meet his curious gaze.

I pause with a chuckle, "Sorry, Hank. Just dunno what to do while we're waiting."

He shrugs, leaning back in his seat and waves a hand at me, as if giving me permission to proceed with what I was doing.

So I do.

Connor watches me as I do this, leaving me to be somewhat self-conscious, but I don't let that show as I keep pacing.

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