Act like a Baby, Get Treated like One (Punishment)

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"Ugh, I don't wanna go." Blake whines. Adam rolls his eyes. "You're twenty, Blake, you need act like it!" His 24 year old boyfriend scolds. "But Adam, being an adult sucks!" Blake cries. "Yes, Blake, I know. I've been an adult longer than you have." Adam says, getting increasingly more annoyed.
"Gosh, testy much!" Blake exclaims. "I love you babe, but you really need to fucking grow up!" Adam scolds. "But I don't wanna!" Blake cries. "You know what? If you're gonna act like a child I'm gonna treat you like one!" Adam yells, as he pulls Blake across his knee. He starts spanking Blake with his open hand. "If being an adult sucks so much, why don't you go back to being a kid?" Adam asks him, as he smacks his basketball short clad bottom.
"Ow, Adam, this hurts!" Blake cries. "Yeah, it's supposed to." Adam scolds. "If you wanna be a kid again, I'm just gonna have to spank you anytime you're naughty." Adam explains, as he pulls Blake's shorts down. "Should've worn underwear." Adam says, as he looks down at his boyfriends pink butt. Adam spanks his boyfriends bare ass, harder and harder. Blake starts to moan and groan.
Adam stands Blake up. "Now go stand in the corner!" Adam yells. "No rubbing your butt unless you want more." He adds. Blake does what he's told. He definitely doesn't want more. Adam grabs his laptop and orders a few things, keeping an eye on his boyfriend in the corner. "Okay, you can get out of the corner now." Adam says, as he tucks his laptop away.
Blake sits on the bed, looking upset. "Are you done whining, or do I have to spank you again?" Adam asks. Blake doesn't day anything. "Pouting and sulking count as whining." Adam says. "Don't think I won't do it again." He adds. "But weddings are so boring, and you don't wanna go either." Blake says. "Yeah, I may not be my brother in laws biggest fan, but I love my sister." Adam explains. "So we're going." He adds.
The wedding date looms closer and Adam's secret package has arrived. However, that's his last resort. The couple goes to get fitted for their tuxedos. Blake pouts the entire time, not wanting to be there. When no one is looking, Adam gives him a hard slap on his ass. "Stop it now!" He scolds quietly. Blake rolls his eyes, thinking Adam didn't notice. He pretends not to notice the rest of his boyfriends poor attitude.
When they get home, Adam pulls Blake by the wrist. "Since you're still acting like a damn child, here's what's gonna happen. You're getting a spanking, and you're gonna wear a chastity device for a week. If you even think about whining, I have more I can do." He explains. Blake doesn't say anything. Adam bares his boyfriends butt and pulls him over his knee. "You really need to stop with this, you're not a fucking teenager anymore!" Adam scolds, as he starts to spank Blake with a wooden spoon.
Blake starts to squirm, kick, and cry. "Hurts doesn't it!" Adam exclaims. Blake doesn't say anything, just continues to fight it. "This is your last chance, before I bring out the big guns." Adam scolds. Blake has no idea what he means, this seemed pretty extreme already. Once the spanking is over, Blake is sent to the corner.
"Are you going to be a man now?" Adam asks. Blake crosses his arms and pouts. "Do I have to remind you that, that counts?" Adam asks. "I don't wanna get spanked anymore, that's all." Blake says. "Well, then show my by acting like an adult." Adam says. "I almost forgot, you owe me a week in chastity." Adam says, as he pulls out the device. "But-but what about-" Blake starts. Adam cuts him off. "Nope, no sex; until you can be a man." Adam explains.
"When can I take it off?" Blake asks. "Right now, a week. Good behavior will lessen the time. Bad behavior earns you more." Adam explains. Blake looks down at the now locked device. He lays in bed naked, then pulls the comforter over himself. "You better be good, next time you act like a baby; that stays on for another week and I'll make you wear a diaper." Adam scolds as he turns the light off. "You're not serious." Blake says. "Very serious." Adam says, as he lays his head on his pillow.
Adam wakes up and stretches. Blake opens his eyes and yawns. "Last fitting is today." Adam explains as he gets up to get dressed. Blake gets up and starts to get dressed. "I'll be do glad when this is over." Blake exclaims. "Yeah, me too." Adam says. "Much better, no high pitched whining and not being a baby about it." Adam adds. "Can we go get breakfast first?" Blake asks. "Nope, you asked to sleep in longer. We don't have time." Adam explains.
"Fast food?" Blake asks. "Nope we're already behind schedule. We'll go for brunch after." Adam explains, as he slips his legs into his ratty jeans. "C'mon Adam, I'm starving!" Blake whines. "I'll let the first one slide, since I'm hungry too." Adam explains. "Don't test me, I'm telling you now." He adds. Blake stomps around, angrily throwing a shirt over his head, the he throws his underwear drawer open and grabs a pair of boxers.
"I warned you Blake." Adam says, calmly. He pulls Blake over his knee and gives him five hard swats to each ass cheek. "I promised you food after, but that wasn't enough." Adam explains. "Now we can do this next part the easy way, or the hard way." He adds. He pulls out a small sized adult diaper and hands it to Blake. "If you don't put it on now, you'll get two more weeks in chastity and a spanking after when we get home. A hard one too." Adam explains.
Blake being sexually frustrated, he complies. He wants his hot older boyfriend to fuck his brains out. If this is what it's gonna take, so be it. Blake fiddles with it until her gets it on. Then he pulls his jeans on over it. "At least it makes your ass look nice." Adam says. Blake blushes. "If I hear a peep out of you, you'll have to wear those for a week, everywhere we go, plus two more weeks in chastity, plus a belt spanking." Adam explains. Blake nods.
Blake behaves all throughout the fitting and through brunch after. They decide to go to the park. The day had been so nice, that Blake nearly forgot about the diaper and chastity that is until he had to pee. "I really have to pee, did you see any porta potties?" Blake asks. Adam looks around. "No babe, I don't think there are any." Adam says. "Let's go home so you can go." Adam had forgotten about the diaper too.
They get in the car and Blake starts to hold his bladder. "Wait, babe, you're wearing a diaper. Just use it." Adam says, suddenly remembering. "Isn't that kind of embarrassing?" Blake asks. "We'll technically that was part of your punishment. But when we get home you can take everything off." Adam explains, referring to the diaper and chastity. "Babe, just go no one is gonna know." He adds.
"Okay." Blake says. After a few seconds he sighs. "Better?" Adam asks. "Yeah, you know it wasn't so bad to wear. I'd pretty much forgotten it was there." Blake says. "Well I did have to order a full pack." Adam says with a chuckle.

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