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Amalia's pov:
Slowly waking up and feeling content for the first time in four years! Taking a deep breath, only for a sweet smell to waft into my nose. While my body wants to fall back asleep from feeling safe and loved since forever, but that's when my brain slowly registers what events have happened a few hours prior. With the realization I sit myself up on a huge bed that is really soft, just like a cloud.
good morning Love! I hope you slept well!?" the soft voice from Jane asks me, instantly making me flinch. How can she say that like this? After they have frown me away like I am nothing towards them.
Princess, we are so deeply sorry!" Alec says from my other side. Finally seeing they had been curled around my sleeping form only a minute earlier.
„Why am I Here?" I ask them. Not allowing myself to look at either of their face, knowing that would be too much for my heart.
because you are our mate, and we love you!" Alec tells me, softly caressing my cheek. The first unwanted tears already welling up in my eyes.
„Don't!" i whisper out, my heart soaring in pain and happiness all at once.
„We are so Sorry Princess! We only wanted to make sure you were safe. Never ever was it our intend to hurt you!" Alec goes on.
„Please stop!" i whimper out as the pain gets more and more. And like i had done often before, I concentrate on somewhere I would prefer to be right now! When i open my eyes again I am sitting on the top of the volturi castle. The sun not yet fully up. Taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself as best as I can. I don't know what I should think about all of what had happened. Only a day or two prior I was sitting in my room and trying to be there for my equally heartbroken sister, and now? Now i am in the city where my dreams have come true, before they turned into a nightmare. Hearing shouting from downstairs, guess they all are on the lookout for me. Sighing yet again, making sure my sent is masked up. I know that my mates and the volturi tracker would find me otherwise easily. A sudden wush from next to me lets me look up. To my surprise Marcus has taken a seat there next to me.
I see you ran from your mates sweetheart." he says, softly laying his cold but reassuring arm around my shoulders. So without thinking into it to much, I cuddle myself right into his side.
„Why would they say that they love me? Why would they want to hurt me yet again?" I ask him, tears running down my cheeks.
because they do love you. I never understood what had happened four years ago before yesterday. The only thing I did know is that those two have changed, have gotten even quieter than before. Now it makes sense. You May not believe them, but they do love you very much. You are their other half, and without you, they could never get truly happy." he explains to me. And I don't know why but I do trust him.
„Why didn't they just told me the truth back then? Instead they said such hurtful things to me." I say, choking up slightly
„That i don't know Sweetheart. But I do think that they weren't thinking ahed, they just wanted to make sure you are safe. A mate for a vampire is someone we would do everything for! We would protect them even if that would get ourselves killed. We would do absolutely everything for them." Marcus explains to me. We see a few of the guards running around in the garden looking for me. When I see Alec and Jane looking frantic and absolutely petrified, I feel a souring pain in my heart as well.
„Are you ready to face them?" Marcus questions softly. Letting me choose if I would make myself known to them or not. Softly taking his hand in mine, before shutting my eyes and think myself down to my searching mates. When I open my eyes again Marcus looks surprised but really proud. My mates on the other hand run up to me. Apologizing to me and begging me to not run away again. I feel like a jerk for frightening them so much, but a small part of me also thinks that they have deserved it.
„I am hungry." I whisper into the twins shoulder. The wind around me picks up before I see that we now are standing in a huge kitchen.
„Waffles with strawberries?" Jane asks me softly and after a small nod from me she gets to work. Only a few seconds later, she puts a steaming plate full of waffles drizzled with chocolate sauce and strawberry's in front of me.
„I didn't know if you still prefer a hot cocoa over a coffee, so I decided to make both." Jane softly says before taking a seat next to Alec and me. Well me sitting on Alec's lap, I slowly lean over to kiss janes cheek in thanks before turning to my food. When I slowly look towards Jane she has her right hand on the spot I had kissed her. The huge smile on her lips makes me feel all warm inside.
„Would it be ok to call my sister?" I ask no one in particular. Feeling Alec immediately stiffen up under me, I turn around so I now am straddling him.
„Alec? What's the matter?" I ask him afraid I might have hurt him somehow.
„You want to leave us." he says and looks so sad. Tears standing in his bright red eyes. Softly laying my hands on his cheeks.
„I just want to ask her if she got back Alright. Talk to her how my dad took my absence." I tell him, making sure he looks me in my eyes. He always knew when I was lying so I hope he also knows that I am telling the truth right now.
„You won't leave us?" he asks afraid of the answer. Thinking about the question and I know deep down in my heart that I wouldn't be able to leave them. It would kill me even more than last time.
„Not if you don't give me a reason." I answer them after a deep breath. And just like that I get squeezed tightly by those two.
„Still human! I need air!" I wheeze out since breathing got pretty tough.
„Sorry!" They say in apology but happy none the less.
„So, my phone?" I try my luck again. This time Jane handed me my phone without hesitation.
„Thank you. If you would excuse me for a bit. I am going to call her, maybe afterwards we could spend some time together." I start before getting a bit unsure, not knowing if they want to spend time with me or not.
„That would be great!" the twins tell me euphorically! Both of them kissing my cheeks lovingly.
„Ok, i am going to my room." I tell them bright red. So before they could make me blush any more I quickly teleport myself into my room. Those two always got me so worked up.

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