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Amalias pov:
My mates have quickly decided what we could do to pass the day. And what an amazing idea they had. Let's just say after the fourth round my body needed some rest, much to their amusement but I also could see their mischievous a d proud smiles as I closed my eyes.

The next time I opened my eyes again, my mates were still cuddled tightly up to me. Feeling so content and safe in their embrace, I start to purr. I do think it is highly embarrassing to purr, but since both my mates absolutely adore and love it, I don't have that much of a problem with it.
„How long was i out for?" i ask them, wanting to know how much longer we could spend time together before they need to get back to their duty's.
„Not long princes. Only one hour." alec answers me. His hand keeps on caressing my back lovingly, Jane on the other hand has one hand on my stomach with love shining in her deep red eyes.
„So, i really don't want to ruin the Mood. But I really would like to know if you guys really are on board for this." I ask them with a hand pointing to my small bump, not looking at either of them afraid of their reactions. They did try to explain that they love me and that it is awesome that I am pregnant. On the other hand I need to be 100% sure that their is zero chance they might ran off. It now not only would affect me, but it also would affect my beautiful babies! My completely innocent and perfect babies. I am becoming a mum and as such my first priority are my kids! Which means i need to start to act like it.
„Love, we know we have hurt you really bad in the past. But please do believe us that we are completely ecstatic that you are pregnant with our babies!" Jane starts to say, softly kissing my neck.
„We always were talking about how awesome it would be to have a family. A mate and kids. And you are giving us both. You are our wonderful mate that we love so dearly, and if that is not enough you also are making our biggest wish come alive!" alec finishes with the explanation. Feeling myself relax after hearing that.
„Ok! Thank you! I guess I just needed to make sure." I tell them. They both only nod at me with understanding eyes and a soft smile on their lips.
„Jane, now would be a good time to talk about what you told me earlier." alec softly says. Irritated and slightly afraid I sat up on the bed and looking at a now very nervous looking Jane.
„Jane? What does alec mean?" I question as softly as I can since I don't want her to panic or worry even more. She keeps on eyeing me and than alec again before nodding her head a little.
„It's just that, that I really love you and our babies." she starts and I see her eyes getting wet with tears, so I quickly reach out to her. Taking her soft hand in mine which seems to relax her a tiny bit.
„I am happy that you love us, and I hope you know that I love you too. So will our little babies." I say softly.
„I am just afraid that, well, since alec and you are the real parents... I am afraid that you will push me away. That you two would leave me back alone." she whimpers out and my heart right away breaks for her. How couldn't I have seen that! She was so quiet and always so unsure, the complete opposite as normal! I just thought she doesn't know how to cope with the news of me being pregnant. Never would I of thought she is afraid of losing me and said babies.
„Babe!" I say softly, only in a whisper like tone. Softly caressing her cheek with my hand and feel another sting in my heart when I see her trying to soak up that little caress as if afraid it would be the last time I would touch her like that.
„please don't leave me behind! I swear I will do whatever but please don't shut me out of your and the babies lives." she begs me so brokenly. Feeling like a real jerk when she starts to shake as if she try's not to start to cry out properly.
„I love you! I swear I do!" she says so quietly I nearly couldn't hear it. Not knowing what else to do, I softly pull her closer before kissing her with all the love I have for her. How can this amazing girl think I will ever shut her out. She is just as much mother to my unborn twins than I am!!
„ i would never shut you out of our lives! You are my mate! And you are as much the real parent to the twins as I and Alec are." I tell her sincerely. Still holding her close to me and making sure she keeps on looking me in my eyes, afraid otherwise she might not believe me.
„I love you! So please don't think like that. If it wouldn't of been for all of us three, than there would be no twins. Only true mates, all of them, that come together before the change of the human mate  can get said mate pregnant! So if you weren't with us, I wouldn't be pregnant. Do you understand babe?" I tell and ask her softly. I see how she sighs out in relief before she pulls me into a tight hug, her shoulders once again start to shake.
„Thank you so much love! I was so afraid! So afraid of losing you and the babies!" she whimpers out yet again. So I just keep on holding her, reassuring her that everything is alright. Alec also joined our hug with a small smile.
„I tried to tell her but she wouldn't believe me. that's why I wanted her to talk with you about it." he says a bit saddened he couldn't convince his sister, but happy that we talked this out now once and for all. Hopefully now we all can look happily forward to our little ones arrival.
„I am so happy I decided to not let bella walk after Edward on her own. Otherwise we wouldn't of ever seen us again. We wouldn't be here together and happy, wouldn't await the birth of our precious little ones, I would of never met dad or my uncles. Neither would I of met Demetri, my big protective brother. It's kind of depressing to think like that." I say while realizing how lucky I got only because I went to protect my little sister from getting killed.
„We also are happy that you came back to Italy. And I am happy that everything turned out the way that it did." Jane says while pulling the blanket over us three. With a wide smile I cuddle right into my two mates with a happy sigh.
„I love you two! I can't even put in words how much I love you." I say feeling complete lying in the middle of the both of them. This feels so right, and I wouldn't change that moment in the slightest.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now