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Amalias pov:
What irritates me a little is that i am not able to find my mates around their usual places. Hmm, Maybe the throne room? They often are their to protect their masters. When I come around the corner I see Demetri with a worried frown. That however quickly changes when he sees me.
„Monkey!! There you are!! I have missed you today!" he says and quickly pulls me into a tight hug hug.
„I thought my mates have told you! Bella is getting married so I went to congratulate her in person!" I explain slightly confused why my mates haven't told him.
„Oh! They only said that you went to visit your sister! I understand that you wanted to congratulate them in person. It's a very special and important step!" he says and I right away feel a souring pain in my chest area. I nearly doubled over, but to my luck Demetri catches me.
„Are you ok? What happened?" he asks worried and a pained look.
„I am fine. Thank you for catching me!" I say, still holding onto him since I am afraid that the pain might get back again.
„Hey, it's me. Please tell me what is going on." he nearly begs me. Sighing unsure of if I should or shouldn't tell him.
„I need to find Alec and Jane to tell them that I am back. We can talk afterwards. Ok?" i say after making up my mind. He at first only looks at me as if trying to figure out what is going on before nodding in answer.
„About your mates, they are on a mission. Left this morning after they informed us that you left for the day. I thought they called you to tell you." he slowly says. I guess he sees my hurt look since he pulls me back into his chest tightly.
„They had to leave without further notice. Maybe they will call you when they get there." he try's to cheer me up, but honestly how long does it take to call or at least text!?
„I should tell Marcus that I am back. He will worry otherwise." I say trying to think of something else. Not at my mates that not only don't care to marry but obviously don't care to tell me when they leave for a mission.
„Amalia." Demetri softly says.
„I am good! Thank you for telling me, that means I don't need to keep on looking where they may be." I say wiping at my eyes in frustration.
„No you are not good! How can I help you? I hate it to see you hurt." he asks me sad. Sighing once again, I cuddle myself as close as possible into him.
„It shouldn't hurt this bad. You are right, they might call later on." i say, still the throbbing is still there. Especially now since I let go of Demetri and his gift isn't working any longer. As if he realized it, he softly lays his arm around my shoulders to lead me into the throne room.
„Sweetheart! You are back!!" Marcus happily says already on his way to greet me. He just like Demetri earlier quickly pulls me into a tight hug. With a weird look in his eyes he looks towards Demetri. My guess is that he finds it weird that he still is touching me, even throughout he had hugged me.
„I just wanted to tell you guys that I am back. Demetri also just informed me that." i start but quickly stop, not being able to say their names. I just know that it would hurt to say them out loud.
„I informed Amalia that her mates are out on a mission." Demetri ends my sentence. Sending him a thankful smile for coming to my rescue. He really is the best big brother there is!!
„Oh! I understand! I am really sorry darling, we thought they have told you." aro says with sad eyes. Caius has a small frown on his face, he slowly comes closer towards us.
„Sorry little one! But I am sure they will be back in no time!" caius softly says and kisses my forehead.
„It's ok. I understand that that's their job. It just came so suddenly that I was a bit overwhelmed by it." I answer them all. Being really grateful for all of them, they really care for me and that just warms my heart.
„That's understandable sweetheart. Why don't you spend the rest of the day with Demetri? I will join you as soon as we finish with our last trial!" Marcus softly says. He also sends a certain look towards Demetri, one that I don't get the meaning from.
„Thank you!" I tell them and of course quickly hug them all once again.
„Would you like to go to the garden?" Demetri questions as soon as we close the throne room door behind us.
„That would be lovely!" I say. He had pulled his arm back around my shoulders and the pain went right away again. I lead us towards the old and big tree where we often sit to talk.
„Can you tell me now what is bothering you? I mean other than that your mates left on a mission?" he asks me softly after we both have sat down on our usual spot.
„I always wanted a family. And I do understand that as a vampire I am not able to bear a child. But it would be possible to get married." I say after taking a few deep breaths.
„A marriage is possible indeed. Most of the mated couples are married. It's a symbol for everyone. A promise to always stay together through all eternity." he says with a nod. Another pained sigh leaves my lips after his explanation.
„Than why don't they want to marry me?" I ask him in a whisper. It hurts so much to think that I still am not good enough for them. Every time i think we are on a good way, something comes up and I am right back to the broken girl I was years ago.
„Amalia! How can you say that?" Demetri asks with wide eyes.
„Because it's true. I tried to bring up marriage to them, but they always change the topic or just completely ignore what I had said. Maybe I am not what they want." I tell him, feeling the burn in my eyes from the tears that I won't be able to sheath.
„They Love you!" he says so softly that i nearly didn't hear him.
„Sometimes I am not sure of that." I answer him just as quietly. He pulls me right into his chest, softly caressing my back.
„I know that they do. Maybe they just want to wait a little longer before marriage. Just please don't think that you are not enough! That's just the farthest from the truth!" he says, not once stopping with his soothing caress on my back.
„Thank you! For always being there for me!!" I tell him thankfully.
„Always!!" he whispers back. Taking another deep breath, slowly calming down again. Who cares if they want to marry me or not? The only thing important is that they love me! And that they do! I hope...

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now