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Amalia's pov:
The room looks really beautiful. Nothing like anyone would think off from how Alec comes of to the most people. But I do have to say that it suits him perfectly! It's a mix of four different blue colors, a huge bookshelf filled with lots and lots of books. A small sitting area near the window, it overlooks a beautiful garden and there also is a balcony attached to his room. There also are two more doors which I am guessing is for a bathroom and a dresser. When I turn around I see the set of twins looking at me with adoration in their eyes.
„It's a really beautiful room you have Alec." I tell him with a soft smile. And even before I had finished my sentence Alec is hugging me. Giggling at his antics makes them both stare at me with awh.
„Stop it!" i mumble embarrassed.
„Can you show us your gift? It's lovely to hear your voice in my head." Jane says with a smile and eager like she only rarely gets.
„Like you have already seen, I can teleport." I say and quickly teleport me to the other side of the room and back again to demonstrate.
I can talk to whoever I like to. I send them with a small smile. They again look at me with adoration.
„I can shield my thoughts and everyone else's. That's why Aro hadn't seen me in Edwards thoughts." I explain. They look shocked but proud none the less.
„I can do this." I say and softly touch Alec's arm, sending him a wave of fright of sadness and then of love and joy.
„I need to touch someone for that though." I say with a small shrug.
„Wow!" they say simultaneously.
„There is something more but it's pretty hard to describe." i say unsure especially since Edward was so shocked of the next thing.
Taking a step back from them I call forth the wind so it now is making me fly in the room. When I get back down on my two feet I instead hold out my right hand and call forth the element of fire. Knowing vampires are afraid of fire, I make sure to only call forth a small flame. Letting it grow slowly before making it vanish again. Next I make it rain around me, forming a copy of Aro and Jane standing right infront of the originals. Slowly making the water flow out of the window and into the ground. Their garden surely needs a good watering anyway! Once again holding out my hand, slowly growing a beautiful flower in my hand. Without thinking I make it flow over towards Jane who happily takes the delicate flower and sniffs it with a smile gracing her beautiful face.
„That is incredible!! Considering you are still a human, it is unbelievable how strong your gifts are already!" Alec says with a proud smile.
„Edward..." i start. Wanting to tell them what he has said on the phone, but two furious growls erupt from their throats. Looking at them with a raised eyebrow.
„What has that idiot told you! He only wants to steel you away from us!" Alec growls.
„Mine!!" Jane growls, pulling me into her arms while she is breathing onto my neck, her brother on the other side of my neck.
„Ours!" they growl at the same time. Not knowing what I should do I just pat them before cuddling myself into both of them. Their growling soon comes to an end, they now are nearly purring.
„You guys good?" I ask them not sure if I can let them go just yet or not.
„Hmm, he won't steel you away." Jane mutters still in my neck. The vibration making me shudder. As if that was the only sign Alec was waiting for, he starts to kiss up and down my neck. Softly nibbling on it but careful to not break the skin. Of course Jane quickly starts to follow her brothers lead, making my whole world spinn in utter pleasure.
„Guys!" I try to get out strong but my voice is wavering in ecstasy.
yes Princess? What would you like?" they ask at the same time. Their hands slowly starting to caress my body that slowly feels like it's lit on fire with desire.
„Fuck!" I exclaim as they simultaneously have found my sweet spots. Well I just shouldn't of said or reacted at all since I suddenly feel a soft bed under my body while said body gets attacked by both my mates. Jane slowly lifts her face from my neck however only for her lips to attack mine in a loving but passionately kiss. And I do have to say just like that the thought of stopping them flew out of my head. One hand has sneaked up under my shirt and just as that registers in my mind said shirt is off my body. And if they have choreographed this whole scene, they have switched positions and instead of janes I now have Alec's lips on mine. Who just like his sister wasn't holding back at all. He may is even more of a passionate kisser than Jane but let's be honest both of them are amazing kissers.
Loud knocks where heard from the door. I do have to say that I at first didn't even realize it but hey, who could judge me right now!? Since the loud knocks weren't stopping, a pissed off Alec storms towards the door. Dressed in only his boxers, when in the hell has he gotten undressed. Looking towards Jane which to my surprise has only some underwear on just like myself. Blushing beet red at that realization. As if Jane has realized that I am not fully clothed is throwing a blanket over my body. She also threateningly hisses at whoever might be at the door. Softly touching janes hand to send her a soothing wave to calm her down, not liking for her to be this alerted. She quickly turns around with a smile and kisses my lips before turning back around to the intruder.
„What!" Alec's threatening growl reaches my ears. While I am sure to everyone else it was threatening to me it was soothing and to my utter embarrassment quit arousing.
„Masters wanted me to come and see how Amalia is doing. It can be quit a bit to take in." I hear Demetri say and I immediately curl myself closer into Jane. Still not too keen on this guy! Not only did he sniff me in the elevator but he also tried to attack me.
„Our mate is perfectly fine! We will come to see the masters in the throne room in a few minutes." Jane says definitely picking up my uneasiness towards this guy. Alec quickly throws the door shut before making his way back towards the bed.
„Princess? You ok?" he asks as he sees me curled around Jane in fright.
„Mhm." I mumble but not ready to leave my hiding spot just yet.
„Has he hurt you?" alec says with a pained expression while his body starts to shake in furry.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now