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Amalias pov:
I feel so extremely giddy and happy it is nearly frightening me, but whenever I think of spending everyday with my mates I go right back to my bubbly happy self.
„I see you woke up already darling! What a surprise, and even more powerful as before!" aro happily says in glee and slowly walked towards me. Since I am still way to hyper and happy I quickly pull him into a tight hug. Shocking not only him but everyone around us.
„Aren't you a happy little vampire!" he says with an honest smile, making everyone else chuckle out as well.
„Marcus said you wanted to be informed when I wake up. I am up!" I inform him matter of factly. Even though the explanation was rather useless seeing I am standing in front of them.
„I can see that. Immortality is suiting you rather good little one!" caius says, smiling softly at me, so I of course have to hug him as well. I don't want him to think that I don't care for him as well. He seems to be more quiet than the others, but I know that he is just as lovable as the others. Yes Marcus definitely is my favorite! But aro and caius are not far behind!
„I am happy that you are this happy after your change. I do hope it wasn't to painful!?" caius asks me softly. I can see his honest worry at the word painful.
„I didn't feel any pain to be honest with you." aro and caius look shocked but wait for me to go on with my explanation, so I do just that.
„Only for a few seconds, then I felt warm and safe, but no more pain." I end with my answer. The few other guards of them look shocked, a few even jealous. Hmm, Maybe I do have to watch my back from now on. A threatening growl was heard from behind me. One that I know already way to good since my mates seem to do that quit frequently!
„Alec? Jane? What's the matter?" I ask them softly, trying to send them some calmness but they seem to keep on looking at someone behind me with hatred.
„how dare you look at our mate with hatred?!" Alec growls out. Seeing Jane only seconds away from sending whoever the person may be a shot of her intense pain. Aro suddenly grabs me and pulls me in between him and caius.
„You shouldn't interfere right now. Everyone knows who you are mated to and no one is allowed to look at you with hatred or anything like that. we also wouldn't allow it! We have also claimed you as our family member. Like we already told you, family isn't something that comes easily and that's why we protect what little family we have!" Marcus answers my unasked question from infront of me. Seeing my confused face caius chuckles a little.
„Don't worry Little one, you will soon understand! We will teach you everything we know! For now you only need to know that family stands on top of everything! We care for our family! We fight and even would kill for our family! It's hard to understand at first, but if you live a few hundred years you will soon see that family is the most treasure!" he tells me softly, so I nod at him. Hoping I will really understand what this whole thing is about soon. I do get the importance of family, but the growling still confuses me.
„Excuse me masters, may I show my sister towards the garden till this is all taken care off?" Demetri asks them with a small bow. And to my surprise not only they allow it, but so do my mates. Feeling a bit confused but the happiness of spending time with Demetri quickly overshadows it.
„I can show you my favorite spot around here!!" I tell him and before someone can say anything, Demetri and I sit on the roof of the castle.
„Wow! This teleporting thing is really awesome!" Demetri tells me with a wide smile. We both laugh out loud at absolutely nothing in particular. That's what I love the most about spending time with him. Whatever the situation, with him there always will be a reason to laugh. Yes sometimes the joke is on me, but so it's on him sometimes as well.
„I am happy you didn't have to go through the pain as we others. That was my worst fear to be honest. For you to be in that much pain and me not being able to help you!" he tells me. He looks and sounds so sincere that it's really warming my now unbeating heart. Quickly hugging him from the side.
„I am as well. But it does sadden me to know that everyone of you had to go through that much of pain! I only felt it for a few seconds but I don't think I will ever forget the feeling." I tell him with a small shiver from thinking of the burning pain. A hand softly takes mine and the pain right away vanishes once again. And that's when it suddenly makes sense! A wide smile spreads over my face at the realization alone.
„It was you!!" i say with wide eyes turning towards Demetri. He looks a little surprised and shocked all together but interested in what I mean.
„The pain had vanished right away when I have looked into your eyes! I suddenly felt safe!" I tell him feeling myself getting even more hyper in pure happiness at my discovery!
„But I don't have any gifts that would allow me that!" he tells me with furrowed brows. Shrugging at him, I mean who knows which gifts you really have deep within you!
„Maybe you do? I mean who knows which true powers you have deep within you." I tell him encouragingly.
„Maybe it was your mind that had suddenly realized that nothing is going to happen with me around?" Demetri asks. That also is a good theory.
„Maybe? I honestly don't know. But I really would like to find out. Don't you too?" I ask. I can't understand how he is staying this calm! This could be really huge!!!
„It would be nice to know. I just don't know how we could find out." he says with a thoughtful look.
„Maybe Jane could help with her gift?" he goes on to think out loud.
„That could really work! We should ask her later on!" I answer him! Slowly I see a wide smile spreading on his lips as well.
„It is going to take time to figure it out, so calm down a little monkey." he says and suddenly turns quiet.
„Sorry! I didn't mean to!" he apologizes right away but I only giggle at the cute nickname he had just given me.
„Is that your nickname for me?" I ask him feeling like my heart is about to burst in happiness. He looks shocked before he smiles warmly at me.
„I find it pretty fitting for you. Don't you agree? You are quite clingy and cuddly!" he says with a chuckle.
„I guess! I need to think of a nickname for you as well...." I say and than a name shoots into my brain.
„Bubba!!! I call you bubba!!!" I tell him, already clinging around his neck, already acting out my new nickname! His laugh rings around the whole garden and my giggles also quickly join him.
„Hey!! I thought you were going to the garden!" my mates suddenly yell from the garden up to us. Both of them smile at us happily.
„Come on bubba! Let's go!" I tell him before getting us both down to my mates.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now