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Amalias pov:
Demetri has made sure that every door and window in this house was locked but we both knew that a vampire could easily enter none the less. As I told him that, he just shrugged his shoulders, explaining that we would hear if a window gets smashed and that we would know from where the intruder would come from. So I guess he does have a point in this after all.
„Do you think we will win the fight?" i ask worried that I might lose someone of my family.
„I am sure we will. I heard their plan and if it turns out like that, they won't have much work to do." he says with a reassuring smile. Another much worse pain than before shoots through my body, making me tumble slightly over.
„Monkey? What is going on?" he asks me alarmed. Right away touching my arm so the pain goes away again.
„I don't know but my stomach hurts pretty bad. But Carlisle said four months." I say slightly afraid for my babies.
„No, Carlisle said four month top! I am afraid you are in labor!" he says with wide eyes.
„But, but I, i am not ready! My mates aren't here! I can't give birth on my own!" i tell him slowly starting to panic and it suddenly gets wet under me. Fuck!
„My water just broke!" I whisper out terrified. Demetri also looks pretty worried and unsure what we should do now.
„Since when have you been feeling the pain?" he questions after setting me softly on my bed upstairs.
„Pretty much since they all left for the fight." I whimper out. Now that he had run off to get some towels and a few thinks from Carlisle's office the pain has come right back full force.
„That's nearly an hour ago." he says with an unpleasant frown. Sighing, I knew I should of told him sooner, but I thought it's nothing to worry about. He suddenly sits up straighter on the bed, right afterwards we hear some glass shattering downstairs.
„Call your mates! We need backup right now!!" he instructs just as Victoria is calling out my name mockingly.
Alec, Jane we need help! Victoria is here! In the House! I send them through my mind. Hoping they will be able to come and help.
„Shh, they will be coming right back. You just need to keep breathing so the little ones stay healthy!" Demetri instructs me sternly.
„What a lovely surprise I got when I came here only to smell you here as well." she says with a sinister smile. Demetri has put himself between the both of us, but if we won't get any backup soon, I don't know how long we will be able to survive this.
„What do you want Victoria? You know Who my mates are and who my dad is! Do you really think they will let you live if you hurt me?" I ask her with a shake of my head.
„Oh, no! This time I won't fall for your talking!" she hisses out. Well, it's her life not mine.
„Demetri, come here please." I say and to my surprise he comes closer towards me. I take his hand tightly into mine and than think of a circle of fire around Viktoria, enclosing her in it. Making sure she can't escape without burning herself. Her loud screams echo throughout the whole house, so much so that we didn't hear the others coming back. I feel my strength slowly disappearing.
„I don't know how much longer I can keep that up." I whimper out to Demetri. Just than my mates with everyone else appear in the room. The ring around Viktoria disappears and she already is on the floor unconscious thanks to alec.
„Carlisle! She is in labor. Her water broke about fifteen minutes ago." Demetri tells Carlisle who right away runs towards me.
„You guys want to wait outside. I need to see how far along she is and I don't think you all should see that!" Carlisle says and everyone leaves apart from my mates Demetri and esme.
„I stay up here don't worry, but I can't let her be in pain if I can help." Demetri tells Carlisle who immediately understood.
„Ok darling, i need to look now. Demetri i also need for you to let go of her for a few seconds. I need to know if anything has ripped and that is only possible if she feels it." Carlisle explains. He lifts my dress up and pulls my underwear down as well. I hear my mates growling but they keep on staying by my side.
„Ok, everything looks to be intact. You should start to push now. Demetri, you can hold her again. This surely is going to hurt otherwise." Carlisle explains. I do as he says and push the best I can, but I am not strong enough. I wasted all my energy on Victoria. Feeling the tears fill up my eyes at the fear of losing my babies because I am not strong enough!
„I can't! I used all my energy on Victoria." I whimper out.
„Please don't let my babies die!" I choke up.
„It's ok darling. Keep on breathing and let me do the work. Try to relax, I promise I will do everything in my power to keep all three of you alive." Carlisle try's to sooth me.
„Jasper please get me my scalpels from my office." he says towards the door where jasper quickly walks in with the requested scalpels.
„You guys won't like this, but I need you to either stay up there or leave the room. As soon as I start with the first cut I have only 60 seconds to get both of the babies out. So I have no time to fight you off for cutting your mate open." Carlisle tells my mates sternly. And to my surprise they agree that they won't be in his way and that they don't like it, but that they understand that I only try to help. So after another nod, esme hands him a scalpel.
The only thing I realize is that my mates squeeze my hands tighter and than I hear a loud and angry cry only a few seconds later another just as angry cry erupts in the room.
Esme is holding the firstborn in her arms and is softly cleaning it up before softly laying my baby on my chest, Carlisle quickly lays the second born on my chest as well. Feeling so unbelievable happy and relieved that my babies  are healthy and safe.
„A boy and a girl. Just like your mates." esme says with a wide smile on her lips. She also softly pulls a blanket over my naked body so only the head of my babies and mine look out from under it.
„They are so beautiful!" i say with a wide smile.
„Aren't they just the beautifulest babies that you have ever seen?" I ask them all.
„May we hold them?" my mates ask with love filled eyes so of course I hand them each one of the babies. This looks so unbelievable right! My beautiful mates holding our beautiful babies!

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now