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Amalias pov:
The door gets thrown open by Alice with a wide smile on her lips.
„It's so good to see you again!! Come on in!! Demetri, it's good to see you too!" The pixie says happily and pulls us into the living room where the rest of their household is sitting.
„hey! It's good to see you both!!" Carlisle says with an honest smile. To my surprise Edward comes over right towards Demetri and asks him if he could talk to him in private for a second. After I nod at him in reassurance the two of them head out so we won't be able to listen in.
„Don't worry, Edward only wants to thank him for promising to come along for Bella's change." esme says and pulls me into a tight hug. She however quickly pulls away with a small frown on her beautiful face.
„Did you.." she starts but I quickly shake my head at her to stop her from going on with her question.
„There actually is a reason why I wanted to visit you. Not that I wouldn't of visit anyway but I have a few questions towards Carlisle if that is alright with everyone." I say a bit unsure. They look worried but than nod at me that they understand that I want to talk with him in privat as well. So after we enter his office, which I have learned is sound proof, I turn towards him more nervous than I thought I would be.
„I know that it sounds crazy, and I also know that it is impossible! But I think I am pregnant. And if I am not I might have cancer or something like this." I say and feel my eyes sting already with my tears. He looks taken aback and shocked, but he quickly shakes himself out of it. He points towards the hospital bed that is standing in here, before pulling a chair opposite of myself.
„Why do you think that?" he asks back to his normal professional selfe. With another deep breath I lift my dress up so he can see my belly.
„That bump wasn't there before. So something is growing in there. I at least wouldn't have any other explanation." I tell him in a whisper. He quickly pulls me into a tight hug, whispering comforting things into my ear.
„Don't worry, I am going to make sure we find out what is going on. Does anyone else know about this already?" he asks with a lifted brow. Shaking my head in answer.
„I didn't wanted to freak anyone out. That's why I thought it might be best to come right to you." I tell him. A small smile lifts onto his lips,  that makes him look even younger than normal!
„Ok, can you lay down? I am going to make an ultrasound!" he explains, already pushing out a huge machine. So after another sigh I lay down, hoping that we are going to figure out what's going on! He pulls the wand around for a bit before pressing a few buttons. Suddenly two loud heartbeats were heard and a smile grows on his face. He presses another few buttons and the thing prints something out. He pulls the wand away and softly wipes away the strange gel from my stomach before motioning me to sit up again.
„So, I do have to tell you that I haven't heard of this ever before. Only read it in some really old book, but it appears that you really are pregnant. Do you want to see the picture?" he informs me. I am shocked beyond believes! But at the same time so unbelievable happy that I am pregnant from my mates, this is the best feeling ever. My tears once again reappear to my eyes, this time happy tears though!
„I thought that's impossible?" I ask while holding out my hand for the picture he was talking about. He hands me one over and the second I look at it I feel my heart swell with so much love it's unbelievable!!
„There are two!" I whisper, softly caressing the two baby's on the picture.
„There are two. Yes!" he says with a smile.
„And as I have said, I never personally saw someone that could reproduce. But in some old books there was explained that if someone was already pregnant by their true mate before the change, than the body will allow the pregnancy. So as far as I remember from it, you will only be pregnant for four months top, and the labor should work completely normal." he explains slowly, making sure I understand everything he is telling me.
„But there were heartbeats. Will they be humans?" I ask a bit confused and definitely overwhelmed from everything he just informed me of.
„Their heartbeats will stop the second they turn eighteen. Till then they are a mix, half human half vampire." he says and lays a calming hand on my knee.
„That is an amazing present that you were granted! You have no idea how many of us would wish for a child." he says reassuringly.
„I always wanted a family, but after my change I thought I will never be able to get one." I say in a whisper. Happy I am not able to cry anyone since I know I would cry myself to sleep if I could.
„I understand. Do you want to tell the rest?" he asks me after there was a loud knock on the door. For the third time might I add...
„Yeah, could you do the explanation? I don't think I would be able to do it." I ask him hopeful he would agree to it. Maybe I could also get him to come along to Volterra this evening to help me explain to my mates and the three kings. We open the door and come face to face with a worried looking Demetri.
„I am fine Demetri. Would you come along? I would like you to hear the news along with the others." i say softly touching his face that quickly relaxes again. He nods, so the three of us make our way downstairs where the rest of the family is already waiting for us.
„Well, you guys might not believe it, but I would ask you to please listen till Carlisle is finished with the explanation before judging me." I tell them a bit afraid of their reaction. They look a bit confused and hurt that I think they would judge me, but they don't know what they are going to get told any second now.

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