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Amalia's pov:
After our fun filled morning, my lovely mates asked me if I would like to go shopping since I told them yesterday about it. But I honestly didn't feel like going out, I also do have enough clothes now anyway.
„No." I mumble happily cuddled into Jane.
„What would you like to do then?" alec asks a bit confused.
„I thought you guys may need to go back to work?" I say softly. It more sounded like a question, even in my own ears. It saddens me a bit but I also know that it is important for them.
„We have some time off and that time we want to spend with you!" alec says softly, caressing my cheek softly. Feeling happiness bubble up into my stomach! Happy that they want to spend some more quality time with me.
„Really?" I ask still a bit unsure if he means it.
„Of Course! Princess we love spending time with you!" Jane says slightly surprised at my unsureness. Cuddling myself even closer into janes body, not feeling fully complete but at least halfway there.
„Don't forget me!" alec whines and cuddles me from my back. Finally feeling content! I can't even help myself from sighing in delight.
„Seems like our little mate needs some cuddles!" jane says softly. Her arms wrapping around my upper body, pulling me even closer into her. Alec is quick to follow my movements, his arm softly gets on top of my hip. A small content purr leaves my lips to their delight.
„Like our own little kitty!" Jane happily says. A blush makes itself on my cheeks but I am just way too happy right now to care. They keep on softly caressing my body, making sighs and purrs leave my lips and before I realize it I fall right back asleep.
When I wake up again, I sigh sadly at the empty room. Guess they had to leave again. A small sting in my heart is felt at that realization. Sighing once again, I quickly wipe away the few tears that had fallen out of my eyes. Shaking my head at myself, I quickly go to the dresser to finally get myself ready for the day. A simple red top with jean-shorts should be alright I think. Since I don't feel like having company right about now, I decide to teleport myself on the rooftop once again. It is peaceful here, quiet and calming. That's till something catches my attention. In the far corner of the garden stands the reason my heart breaks yet again. How dump of me to think that they where in it for the long haul this time! I guess that girl is the reason none of them ever asked if they could turn me. It's kind of logic that they didn't want that when the already have another vampire hanging around their necks. They keep on kissing and i just couldn't stand that visual any longer. Since I don't want to leave Marcus just without any notice I quickly teleport myself towards him. The tears already streaming out of my eyes uncontrollably. My body shaking with the choked up cry's.
„Sweetheart! What happened? Who hurt you?" Marcus asks the second he sees me shaking like a leaf. Since I am not able to communicate with me crying like a little baby, I instead show him what I had just witnessed. He looks shocked before the anger gets more and more.
„I am going to leave. I can't...I can't.." I tell him not able to finish this sentence. There is only a thin string holding me upright.
„You still could stay." he says even though I see his understanding.
„Be careful and if you ever need anything! And I mean anything! Don't hesitate to call or come back! You are like my daughter, and I will always be there for you!" he softly whispers into my ear. The rest of the throne room looks on confused but know better than to interfere. With another tight hug, I say my goodbyes from the one who I know only meant well with me here in Italy.
„Take care of yourself! And thank you for everything!" I tell him before closing my eyes yet again. The next time I open them, I am back in Forks. Knowing that it wouldn't do me any good to just appear in front of Charlys house, i instead am standing in front of the cullans house. Before I could even lift my arm to knock the door gets thrown open by Alice. One look was apparently enough for her to pull me into a tight hug.
„What have they done?" she asks me angrily. The rest of their family immediately appeared behind Alice and I get pulled into hug after hug. My tears only getting more, slowly feeling the immense pain reaper in my chest. My breathing gets slightly uneven with the sheer pain I am in. Carlisle picks me up and runs up towards his office. The pain getting more and more, unbearably strong. I hear shouting and feel my body convulsing and than everything stops. No noise no pain, only darkness left.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now