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Alec's pov:
It has been seven hours since Amalia stoped talking to us, it also was right about that time she along with Jane and me began to start flying in the room.
„I just hope she is going to wake up. Let us explain everything to her and hopefully she has it in her to forgive us." Jane whispers, stroking softly over Amanda's forehead.
„I do hope so! And if she does, I swear that I will cherish her 365 days a year for as long as I am alive, just like she deserves!" I answer. Feeling really empty now that we don't know if our mate will ever forgive us or not! Maybe she never will like to talk to us again! If she really is going to turn her back on us I don't think we are going to survive that. Not sure if we want to survive that!
„We are going to try to pull you back down." Demetri explains as he along with emmet appears in the doorway.
„Ok, you two keep on holding onto your mate tightly! Don't let go! We don't want her flying on her own up there!" Carlisle tells us, so jane and I softly hold onto her shoulder and hip a bit tighter.
„You guys ready?" Master aro asks all of us. So after our nod, emmet and Demetri start to pull on our feet. What no one of us were expecting was for a dark cloak to appear around my mate, my sister and I. And then both of the others fall down unconscious.
„Maybe that wasn't a good idea." Carlisle says quickly pulling emmet away from us before going back to fetch Demetri as well.
Feeling my princess start to shake I look alarmed at my sister and then back at my princess face.
„It's ok my love. We are here! You are safe!" Jane starts to say, again starting to caress her head.
„Janes right Princess! Nothing is going to happen to you as long as we are near you!" I promise her. And slowly the black cloak starts to vanish again.
„There you go princess, everything is good!" I repeat, softly kissing her forehead. A soft purr leaves my wonderful mate's lips. Jane of course couldn't wait a second longer either, so she also kisses her forehead. Again a purr comes out of her soft lips.
„Our little kitty!" I repeat janes earlier statement back at home.
„I wonder..." I say nodding towards Jane to get her on the same page as me. So without another second wasted, we both lean over and kiss her cheeks at the same time. Her cheeks right away turn red and another soft sigh leaves her. Slowly we seem to sink back down onto the ground again. Her body lands back on the bed at the same time as the door gets thrown closed. Right into master aros and Carlisle face. With a small chuckle I look back at the beautiful face of my princess, only to nearly get a heart attack!!! Well, not really since I am already dead but you get what I mean!
„Princess!" i whisper out astonished. Her deep blue eyes staring right back at me and Jane.
„Love! You, you are awake!" Jane says shocked but happy none the less. Our princess frowns a bit at us, before whining at how lonely she is on the way too big bed. So what a heartless monster would I be if I wouldn't lay myself right next to her? Jane of course also cuddles right into our little mate.
„You are sad. Why are you sad?" my princess questions my sister that has tears in her eyes.
„Not sad my love! Happy that you are awake again!" she answers her. Her hand once again playing with our mates hair. She really is obsessed with her hair, and our mate always gets pliant when someone is playing with her hair. So I watch happily as our mate cuddles herself closer to my sister, her head hiding in her neck. A small hand comes into my sight.
„Closer!" my lovely mate whines making grabby hands towards me. With a chuckle I of course scoot as close as possible into her.
„Better!" we hear a small huff and I really had to stop myself from laughing out loud at my mates antics.
„Seems like our mate needs some love from us." Jane says with a small giggle.
„No one can steal you away when you are this close to me!" my princess stated and just like that I feel like an asshole again. Of course she thinks we will run off again! So that's her way of making sure that she wouldn't lose us again.
„No one is ever going to steal us away! We love you! We got tricked, but that won't ever happen again!" I promise her. And I mean it! I will be damned before someone gets my attention away from my mate ever again! And Natalia is going to terribly regret what she has done! I already talked to Master caius that i and my sister get a go with her before she gets killed! And we will be happy to make her last hours on this planet absolute hell!
„Alec is right my love! We will do everything in our power to make it up to you. Our foolishness nearly made us lose you, and that can't and will never ever happen again!" Jane tells her, not once stopping her stroking.
„Promise?" a small voice comes from her hiding space.
„Princess, please come out of your hiding space. We want to talk to you." I say, wanting to make sure she knows how serious we are about this topic. Slowly I see the face of my beloved mate. Softly I take her head in my hands, making sure she looks at me.
„We Love you! We were thinking of killing ourselves when we realized that we had hurt you again. It was in no means our plan, we were tricked and we are terribly sorry that you were the one who got hurt by it the most. But please! I am begging you to believe us that we love you!" I tell her honestly. Wanting, no needing for her to believe me.
„You thought of killing yourselves?" she asks me confused and frightened. Nodding at her in answer.
„We Love you and we don't want to live a second without you. So yeah, we did think about it. Planned what we would do if we would lose you." Jane answers her.
„Please tell me that you won't do that. I need you to stay with me." Amalia whimpers out with tears running down her beautiful face.
„We wont, it's ok. No need to cry! We wont leave unless you send us away!" I tell her. Cuddling her back into my chest. And not long after I feel her body going lax against me, she must of fallen asleep.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now