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Amalia's pov:
For the first time since I am here I open the dresser in my designated room only to see a huge walk in dresser that was pretty full with different varieties of clothes. From formal till loungewear and let me not forget the lingeries that apparently Jane has picked out for me. Instantly going bright red with the thought alone that she must of pictured myself in those. So with a quick shake of my head, I take a dark red silk set out as well as a dress in the same color. After putting the new items on, I look myself in the mirror. I guess I do look decent and they would like that outfit on me. Since my curly hair was still hanging down loosely I do think it gives the dress the last pep. When I open up my door I see Marcus still patiently waiting for me.
„I see you found something to your licking in there." he says with a smile before showing me in the right direction towards the kitchen.
„I did. I do hope this looks alright or should I of worn something more formal?" I ask a bit unsure since now when I think about it, most of the vampires wear extremely formal dresses or tuxes just like Marcus.
„Nonsense! You can wear whatever you prefer. I can assure you that you would be informed beforehand if there is any special drescode required." he answers me reassuringly.
„If that's the case, then why is everyone so formally dressed around here?" I ask him interested in his explanation. A loud chuckle escapes him at my question.
„That's because most of who you have met till now, have lived in times were it was necessary to look that way. It's a habit that not a lot of us can shake off that easily." he answers.
„What would you like to eat sweetheart? I am not that good of a cook but I guess I am pretty decent." he asks me when we enter the fully stocked kitchen.
„Whatever is fine with me. I could also cook for myself if you would prefer that." I say unsure if it is polite of me to let someone else cook for me, especially if they can't even eat it themselves.
„Don't worry about it sweetheart, I do like to cook! But since the twins told me about their plans for later, I am only going to make you some mac and cheese if you would like that." he answers and getting right to cooking after my nod.
„What have those two planned?" I ask Marcus not sure if I like it that they have secrets from me. Are they already planning on getting reed of me again? Marcus seems to have realized that I wasn't thinking of anything pleasant they might have planned for me.
„Sweetheart, believe me if I say it's a happy surprise! Otherwise they would be in deep trouble with me!" he says with a sad face.
„I know it must be hard for you to trust them after what they have done four years ago. But I can promise you that their last intend is to hurt you. It was back then, and I do have to admit that they didn't do a good job then. But they have learned out of their mistake! So now they only want to give you everything that you might desire and show you how deeply they love you!" he tells me earnestly while once again wiping one or two tears away from my cheek. Slowly I nod at him, I don't know why but I trust him, he is like my security blanket around here! And if he is saying that they wouldn't hurt me again than I do trust him. He knows them way better than I do after all.
„Here you go. It isn't really something special, but I do hope that it's eatable." he says while placing a plate of Mac and cheese in front of me.
„Thank you Marcus! Not only for the food but for being there for me and for explaining everything to me." I thank him.
„That's what i am there for! If you may ever get some more questions or just want to talk to someone, I am always going to be there for you!" he tells me and kisses my forehead softly. After that we got back to lighter topics, like how my life has been in Forks and how much I had already changed him as well as aro and caius. He also told me about how he loves to read and play chess while caius prefers to draw. When I finished with my food we decided to go outside to the beautiful garden that I had seen from Alec's window. There are so many beautiful flowers that smell amazingly! There also is a small river going through the garden that makes the atmosphere so relaxing.
„Master Marcus, could we please steal our mate from you?" alec and Jane ask him hopefully. of course he agreed, wished us fun before kissing my forehead once again and walking off.
„I hope you aren't to full from your lunch, Jane and I wanted to take you out on a date later for dinner." alec says with a smile. Jane and him eying the dress hungrily, well guess they do like that dress on me.
„Don't worry you two, I am going to be able to eat dinner just fine." I say and sat myself down under a huge tree that gives the perfect amount of shadow. My mates quickly follow my lead and also making themselves comfortable on the ground.
„The dress looks absolutely breathtaking on you!" Jane complements. Her brother immediately agreeing with her on that matter.
„Thank you! You two also don't look to bad yourselves." I reply with a giggle. Jane has a beautiful dark grey dress on that really shows off her body perfectly. Alec for once has on a tight fitting polo shirt with black skinny jeans, casual but oh so sexy.
„I also would like to thank you two for picking up some clothes for me. I even had asked if I could leave the castle to buy some outfits, which I got permission to, Only if you guys would be fine with it of course! But then Marcus has informed me on the already filled dressroom." I thank them with a shy smile. Feeling both of them scooting closer towards me with a questioning look.
„You want to go shopping? On..on your own?" they sounded a bit hurt but I only smile at them comfortingly.
„I wouldn't of gone alone. And I only asked to go since I hadn't brought any change of clothes with me. Hadn't had a clue that I would be staying longer than need be." I tell them, softly taking one of each of their hands in mine.
„That's good since we are pretty keen of keeping you in our eyesight. And we are really happy that you are staying here. With us." Jane says and leans herself on my right side, Alec quickly mimics this and leans on my left.
„So, did you only put on the new dress or did you change your underwear as well?" Jane asks me while once again eying me with hungry eyes.
„Wouldn't you like to know!" I reply and softly poke her nose with a giggle.
„I am sure we are going to find out later, don't you think sister?" alec asks over my body with a wide smirk in place. My body of course reacts by turning brightly red at his promise.

Jane and Alec's mate (Bella's sister)Where stories live. Discover now