You didn't see that coming

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Ominous green lights shimmered from the cauldron, creating curious illusions on the ceiling. A careful hand that chopped through the herbs stopped momentarily to examine the bubbling liquid. A satisfied nod with cynical creases between the eyebrows made the person look older than he probably was. A person standing in front of the cauldron in an otherwise empty potion classroom was no other than Eddy Chen himself. 

"Experimenting by yourself again?" A voice called out from the door. 

Eddy turned his head to see Professor Slughorn, a Potions master and the head of Slytherin standing by the doorway. 

"Hello, professor. I just wanted to test out a new recipe for a healing potion." As a Slytherin student in a Slug Club and a TA of potion classes, Eddy was usually allowed to use the lab by himself from time to time.

"And you're not using an earmuff while using a mandrake root?" Professor Slughorn squinted to a pot of mandrake sitting on the table, staying calm and quiet like a good boy. 

"I didn't feel the need to. They are generally quiet around me," Eddy shrugged, flipping through the yellowed books. 

And it was not only mandrakes that didn't dare to scream their lungs out in front of Eddy. Eddy's cold piercing eyes and the Darth-Vader aura was enough to shut up any noisy creatures that crossed his path. This included his fellow classmates who secretly believed that Eddy had already used up both of his soul and his heart for one of his potions. 

"Well, this is new," the professor walked up to the cauldron to check the potion brewing inside. "The experiment will have to wait though. I came here to tell you an important decision made by the school committee." 

"Important decision?" Eddy sat down on the chair, cleaning his hand with a handkerchief. 

"With your high achievement in all subjects, we decided that you will make a great private tutor to a new student in Hufflepuff and help him adjust to his new life in Hogwarts." 

"A new student in Hufflepuff?" 

"There was a mistake in the mailing system and he has been living with muggles without ever knowing the existence of a wizard. He turned fifteen just a few days ago. Since he wasn't able to matriculate at a normal pace, he will need someone to help him catch up with his studies. Surely, you can help him." 

Eddy rubbed his temples, already getting a migraine at the mere thought of being someone's private tutor. If it wasn't for the rare opportunity to use the potion classroom by himself, he would have never agreed to be a potion TA in the first place. He hated the unbearable stupidity of another being and the virtue that Eddy Chen lacked the most was definitely patience. 

"I don't think I'm a good candidate, sir. Surely, other Hufflepuffs can help him."

"The committee has decided it so I would really want you to meet the guy first. He just came to school today with his whole muggle family for a tour... since it is a special circumstance. And ah, here he comes-" 

"...this is a potion classroom-" 

Eddy could hear a strained voice coming from the corridor mixed with excited chatters.

"This is so awesome oh my freaking god is that a real skull-"

"I heard that electricity doesn't work here but then how do you iron these robes? Do you have ironing spells or something-"

A door swung open, revealing a muggle family with a very tired looking Professor McGonagall. A short boy with black hair, pale skin, and big glasses stood wide-eyed in front of the classroom. He was holding his violin case and his wand, mouth gaping from a majestic sight of bottles after bottles filled with rare magical ingredients. His parents were behind him, wearing a T-shirt and a ball cap that said: "I AM A PROUD MOTHER/FATHER OF A WIZARD SON." His younger siblings were already running around the room, their mouths painted with remnants of jellies and chocolates that were supposedly from the train ride. Eddy visibly cringed at the sight. 

"Ah, perfect. Let me introduce you to your private tutor that will guide you through your schoolwork, Mr. Yang," Professor McGonagall hurriedly waved toward Eddy sitting at the corner of the classroom. 

Eddy hesitantly stood up, not knowing what else to do. The new student ran to the boiling cauldron, glancing at Eddy excitedly. 

"Can I touch it?"

"No," Eddy turned his head toward Professor McGonagall in hopes of showing his pure disgust toward the new student but she swiftly ignored it as she continued on. 

"Mr. Chen, say hi to Brett Yang, a new student entering Hogwarts. From now on, you will be helping him succeed in his schoolwork."


"And if you have any objection-"

Eddy's hand shot up immediately. 

"-keep it to yourself." 

"I really can't touch it?" Brett asked again, almost diving headfirst into the cauldron before Eddy caught his robe.


It was no question that Eddy wasn't able to sleep that night. Peace, quiet, and concentration were the three words that made up Eddy Chen's life until this new student, Brett Yang was obviously trying to shatter it into pieces. 

Maybe this muggle-born new student won't be too stupid after all. Give him a chance.

Eddy tried to console himself until the morning rose, bracing himself for tomorrow when he will have his first potion tutoring session with the new student. Everyone in the Slytherin common room could see huge bags under Eddy's eyes as he sluggishly walked toward the potion classroom after breakfast. When he arrived in the classroom, Brett was already there, his feet happily dangling from the seat without being able to contain his excitement. 

"Good morning, Eddy!" Brett cheerfully chirped.

"Hey," Eddy replied in a low voice. 

Ok, let's just give this muggle-born a chance. 

"So do you have a book?" Eddy asked, trying his best to hide his already-building exhaustion. 

"Yeah!" Brett nodded, pulling a thick book out of his bag. 

"Alright," Eddy took a deep breath as he closed his eyes, trying to concentrate. Potion was his favorite subject after all. Maybe he might be able to enlighten this new wizard into this fascinating subject. 

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making, the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron-"

"oooh that sounds cool! can I come and try out making these things in the book-" 

"-with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through the veins-"

"what is that bottle? what is this thing here? what is - oof-" A sound of glass breaking echoed through the room. 

"-and my point is-" 

"Can I touch this instead? Can I open this now? How do you make all this wow this is so awesome - beats my chemistry lab any day-"

Eddy slowly opened his eyes, his teeth clenching, and his eyebrows twitching in annoyance. 

"get out of my lab."


"get the fuck out," Eddy repeated with a stone-hard face, pointing to the door. It has only been 30 seconds with this overly happy Hufflepuff and he has already had enough.

Brett was quiet for a moment, pouting. 

"ok you didn't have to be so rude about it," Brett turned to saunter out when he tripped on his own robes, falling to the ground. 

Eddy was still expressionless as Brett turned to look up, his face turning red between the awkward silence. 

"You didn't see that," Brett murmured. 

Eddy could already feel this was going to be a long semester. 

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