prologue: alex cardinale - made for you

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“Addison, Babe, wake up.” I said caressing her cheeks.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and hugged her tighter. She's so beautiful. 10 years after and I'm still falling in love with this girl every single day.

I looked over on the horizon and I could see the blush of the first stroke of the sunset. This has always been a symbolic gesture for us, whenever there is a big decision that would happen in our life, we would wait for the sunset. With the changing of tides, we would have the courage to take that big leap.

“Babe, Addison? Honey.. you'll miss your favorite part.” I nudge her lightly.

“Hmm, sorry, I'm awake.” she said slowly opening her eyes and rubbing them lightly.

How can this woman be the most beautiful lady yet at the same time can exude the innocence of a child?

“Sorry I fell asleep.” She said.

“It's okay babe. look, you're just in time.” I smiled as I pointed at the horizon.

Addison rested her head on my chest and hugged my waist. I kissed her temple and covered her with a blanket as I felt her shiver from the cold wind.

She snuggled closer as I stroke her hair.

“I love you,” I said looking straight out into the sky. She held my hand and pressed it to her heart. “You do know that right?”

She didn't answer but instead she pulled me closer and hugged me tighter.

And we sat there, at the balcony, as we watch the sun set and from the blue skyline, the streaks of blood red started to premeate the clouds. The darkness and the light in a virtual struggle of dominance, the light refusing to to yield, but the sun losing itself further and further behind. Until, there is only darkness, as the day had finally given in to night.


hi everyone! so this is my first time writing a story here. if you came from twitter you probably know that i make some aus. i hope you support this story of mine, dont forget to vote, comment, and share! xx

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