16. i will wait - gracenote

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April 10, 2013

Dixie arrived at the Easterling/Lopez residence shorty after 6PM. She wanted to suprise Addison for her graduation today. Carrying a box with her gift and flowers, she rang the doorbell a lot of times but no one responded. “Maybe they're not yet home, they probably went to eat at a restaurant to celebrate.”

She sat at the curb of their gate and waited. 7PM...8PM...9PM...and still there was no sign of the family. She was getting tired of waiting in this uncomfortable position. Several cars were passing by her and she could tell that she stinks due to the fumes, and the discomfort were the mosquitos feasting on her.

She couldn't text Addison as she might ruin the suprise, so she just waited. Feeling tired, she clutched her knees to her chest and rested her head on it. She didn't even notice that she already have fallen asleep until she felt someone was tapping her shoulders.

“Hun, are you okay?”

She jolted and stood up. “Yes mam, sorry I was waiting for Addison.”

“They're not there.”

“Yep, they probably had a long dinner because it's Addi's graduation. It's okay, I'll wait here.” She smiled at the nice lady.

“No, I meant, they don't live here anymore. They moved out about a week ago.”

Her face fell in disappointment. “Thanks mam.”

She sat on the curb again and stopped her feet lightly on the ground. She drove for 2 hours and waited 3 long hours for nothing.

She dropped the flowers that she was supposed to give to Addison and threw then in the trash bin. All of her energy seemed to drain out of her, and she found herself holding the gate and peeking in. The last time she was here, she held Addi's hand and made promises under the stars.

Promises she didn't fulfill.

She tried to deny it. Except that, she was not infatuated with Addison.

She didn't really know how or when it happened, it was just on one moment, she suddenly knew —— she was inlove with Addison Rae. The realization hit so strong, like being hit by a truck, and it scared her.

And she ran away.

Which is why she is now standing outside their house, not knowing that she's gone.

Sitting on the ground, she tried to gather all her strength to go home, but it is as if her feet were weighed down by lead. She decided to write a letter, and for the first time, she finally admitted to herself that she's inlove with Addison. This letter is her confession.

'If it's meant to be, it's meant to be, no matter how long it takes. Fate will find a way.'

She knocked on the neighbor's door and the lady came out again.

“Honey, you're still here? It's been three hours.”

“I was just about to leave. Will it be ok to you mam if I just leave this with you?”

“I don't mind, although, I'm not sure when I'll see them again.”

Neither do I.

“Oh that's okay, I'll take my chance.” And with that, she thanked the lady and walked away.

I only know that the first time was accidental,
The second time was inevitable,
And the third time is by FATE.


This is unchartered territory for them, of having their feelings exposed for the first time. No more masks, no kore smokescreens.

“Dixie, I'm scared.”

“I'm here. Don't worry, we'll figure this thing out together.” She kissed Addi's palm, her hair, forehead, her nose, murmuring 'i love you's" with every kiss.

Hours have passed and they were still in the same position, most of the time, just looking at each other. For the first time, they're allowed to look at each other and not turn away, afraid to be caught with the longing in their eyes.

Addison sighed and turned around, Dixie hugged her from the back and spooned her.

“That was deep,” she teased. “What are you thinking of?”


“Hmm, Ms. Easterling, it hasn't even been a few hours when you told me you love me. And now you're thinking of another person, I'm jealous.” Dixie pretended to remove her huh from Addison to get off the bed.

“Dixie...” without turning, Addison grabbed Dixie's hands and placed it again on her waist, signaling Dixie to hug her. “I'm serious. What will happen with the two of you.”

“I will leave him... eventually... but I have to break it to him gently.” She felt Addison stiffen, “I can't just drop him Addi, he's a good man. I can't hurt him that way.”

“I understand..” But there is sadness in Addison's voice.

Dixie kissed her cheeks, “just give me some time. A couple of weeks maybe?” Addison nodded.

“I ain't gonna lie, it's gonna hurt seeing the two of you together.” Turning in Dixie's arms to face her, “But I waited for a long time, what's another couple of weeks right?”

They softly kissed. “I will wait for yoh Dixie, no matter how long it takes. I love you.”

And they fell asleep holding each other in that tight embrace.

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