30. time - NF

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She spiked the ball harder and harder against the wall in their garage, throwing all of her anger against it. Sweaty and tired, she refused to stop even if her hand hurt. She hit the ball so hard that the sound resonated within the four walls.

Heart pounding, she did this over and over again. This will get her mind of the things that she didn't want to confront, ignore the feelings that is coming to fore.

I hate you Addison. How can you make that small insecur shattered version of myself come back with just your presence? I worked so hard to rebuild myself after you left me...

“Mam Dixie, someone's looking for you...” She heard the helper, and turning around, she saw Bryce with her.

“What are you doing here?” She said, trying to catch her breath.

“We need to talk...”

*** *** ***

“Leukemia?!?” Dixie stood up sharply that her chair crashed to the floor.

“She didn't want to tell you. I'm not even supposed to tell you, but this is the only way I know to save her.”

Bryce stood up and walked to the ledge of the veranda, overlooking the city lights.

“2 years ago, she was willing to go through all the treatments to get better so that she can get back to you. Even when the treatments were so painful, she would still smile everytime I would remind her of surviving for you, and that would give her strength to fight.”

Breathing deeply, he continued to steady his voice as he was getting emotional. “She was so scared of what would happen to you if she died, that she thought it was better that you hated her and forget her. That day at the club? I told her not to do it anymore, but you know how she is when she sets her mind on something. We knew you would be there, and Griffin being there was also not coincidental, she planned everything.”

“Griffin knew?”

“Yes, Addi asked him to fix you and erase all your pain. But deep in her heart, she knew. If she makes it out alive, she will fight to get you back.” Bryce smiled and touched Dixie's arm, “she loves you that much.” He laughed bitterly.

“Griffin never told me anything...”

“A few months ago, she told Griffin she's in the last stages of her treatment, that she's ready to come back. But... Your engagement..”

Dixie felt herself getting sick. Griffjn knew about Addi's sickness... The proposal... The timing.. Everything seemed so suspect. Who is this man I'm marrying?!

“Dixie, were down to last 2 months of treatment, but she demanded on coming back here for her last fighting chance to win you back. Coming home, she saw that she has already lost you, and now she lost her will to live.” He wiped his tears.

“If there is still some love left in you heart for her, then please fight for it so that she will also fight for her life. But if you don't, then at least, as her friend, help her and give her a reason to live.”

Bryce stepped closer to Dixie and looked at her straight in the eyes, “I know you'll make the right decision...” And he ushered himself out of the garage.


“Addi!” Dixie called out worriedly as she patted the empty space beside her on the bed, tears immediately welling in her eyes.

“I'm here...” Addi replied.

Dixie turned and saw her seated out on the balcony, watching the sunrise. She picked up the blanket and enveloped herself with it as she stepped out of the bed. Walking to Addi's cabinet, she grabbed herself a long polo to cover herself with, before stepping out to join Addi in the balcony.

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