33. today - joshua radin

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Addi felt like a giddy kid going out for her first date. Dixie is not due to pick her up until 8am for their trip to her home in Connecticut, but here she is at 5am, fully awake and panicking.

What am I going to wear?

Have they already forgiven me for hurting their daughter?

Ahhh,” she screamed into the pillow in frustration. Relax Addison, you just have to prove to them that you love their daughter. That's it.

But that thought didn't comfort her. Tossing and turning her bed in an attempt to go back to sleep, she finally gave up and just stared up the ceiling. 5:30am, still too early.

She got her mobile phone and decided to text Dixie, nothing important. She just felt that being able to feel like talking to Dixie would be able to calm her nerves somehow.

Text: good morning baby. i love you

She wasn't really expecting for a reply as Dixie should still be asleep at this time. But to her suprise, her mobile rang soon after, with a very sleepy Dixie on the other end.

“Morning baby, is everything ok?” Dixie asked.

“I'm so sorry love, did I wake you?”

“Yeah... Kinda... But it's ok. Hearing your voice makes breaking my sleep worth it.” Dixie replied, eyes still closed.

“You're cheesy...”

“And I love you too..” Dixie laughed.

“I can't wait to see you...”

“I'll pick you up at 8.”

“Can you make it a bit earlier? Just have breakfast here, I'll cook something for you.”

“Hmm, practicing to be my wife this early Mrs. D'Amelio?” She teased.

“Hahaha. Go back to sleep some more baby, I'll see you in a bit. I love you, as always...”

Checking the time, and having lost sleepiness, Addi decided to get up and proceed in preparing their breakfast. After cleaning herself up, she went to the kitchen and checked the pantry and fridge for something to cook.

“Hmmm, beef tapa..” She smiled remembering that this is Dixie's favorite breakfast food. Getting the pack from the fridge, she got eggs, rice, and garlic for her recipe. Donning an apron and tying up her hair, she stretched her arms as if preparing for battle.

Dixie has always been the more domesticated one in their relationship. When they were at the house, Dixie would be the one preparing their breakfast and snacks, even if these were just sandwiches... Especially her ham and cheese sandwich that she always craved for.

Where do I begin? She thought, scratching her head. Let's do this, fight!

Sweating and hard on concentration, she proceeded on her task ahead, attacking her ingredients with the same focus of an intense volleyball rally. She was so focused on what she was doing that she didn't notice someone come into the kitchen.

“Addison, what's going on?” Her mom stood frozen at the entry way, surveying her surroundings. “What have you done to my kitchen?!?” She said worried, as she saw pots and pans brimming on the sink and ingredients splattered on the counter.

With a proud smile on her face, Addi replied, “I'm cooking breakfast for us, Dixie's coming over.”

“But you don't know how to cook!” She gasped.

“Wow mom, some support here, please.” She wiped her hands on her apron, “out, out, you're ruining the suprise..” She said jokingly pushing her mom out of the kitchen.

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