The Strigoi

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Chapter 9-

  The following week was spent frantically readying the Chadwick family for Genevieve's pup. Eric was ecstatic as he watched Axel's maids hustle around, creating the nursery. I wasn't much help the whole time, my stomach was in protest the whole time keeping me in close quarters with the chamber pots. As the day Genevieve was due came nearer, Axel's stress grew. He checked on me repeatedly throughout the day and my stomach bug would NOT go away.

 Genevieve had asked me to be in the birthing room as she gave birth. I arrived at her side as her labors started. She smiled, wincing every so often as she dilated. I gripped her hand and her eyes glazed over. When she came back, she shouted in pain.

"DOCTOR! THE BABY!" her voice rang out and the maid ran to fetch the doctor.

She panted as she waited. I looked at her with concern. "What did you see?" I ask.

"I am not the only one bringing life into this world-" she grunted and the doctor entered. "Aaughhh!" she arched up.

"Genevieve," the doctor pushed her blankets away. "You may begin."

 The room became a hectic mess in a matter of minutes. After what seemed to be many nauseating hours, screams pierced the air. I soon realized they didn't belong to the baby, they were Genevieve's. I began to panic. Was my sister going to die in childbirth? Was she-

 The baby's screams overwhelmed Genevieve's. A purple, metallic cloud came from Genevieve's heaving chest and it mystically drifted through the air. It went to her baby and I screamed in alarm as it slammed into the infant's chest. It was rejected by the infant's tiny body and I sighed in relief. It slithered across the tiny babe's chest and into its whaling mouth.

 I began swatting it away and it seemed to hiss before disappearing out the bottom of the door. The baby quieted and glanced at me and it's mother. It became eerily quiet as the doctor handed me the quiet baby and left with the maidens after they cleaned up.

"Look," I smile to the baby as I sit next to Genevieve. "That's your lovely mother! She's a beauty when she hasn't birthed a child..." I begin to trail off. The sweet newborn had Genevieve's dark, pale blue eyes, but Eric's, whom was a copy of me, face complexion. It was fairly obvious who the parents were.

 After a few moments of the baby and I observing each other, Genevieve started to groan. The baby sqwirmed toward her mother, and I had no choice but to lay her in Genevieve's arms. Her eyes snapped open and she looked at her bundle of joy. Tears spiked her eyes for a moment, then she looked at me.

" left me.." Genevieve says with a stutter. "I'm no longer oracle!"

"Who is then?" I asked alarmed.

"Probably our sister, which one is a question. By the way," a grin spread across her face. "You're with child."

I stared at her. "What?" my voice was quiet.

"Or you will be, and you might not want to be here at this moment. In about ten minutes-"

"Princess!" a maiden burst into the room. "Dutchess," she nodded her head at Gen. "You are wanted by the Prince. I'd tell you myself but it's not my place to say. Hurry to the king's study. " she panted.

 A pang of sadness struck my heart and I rushed into the hall. I looked back at Genevieve, her face was written in hard sorrow. I ran as fast as I could down a flight of stairs to the study.

 I burst into the room harshly, nearly knocking the old oak doors off their hinges. Both sets of my parents were there with Eric and weeping servants. I looked to my love whose face was held tight and expressionless. there were other faces around that I did not recognize and they made my wolf go uneasy but my attention was on Axel.

"What has happened?" I slightly growl out, my wolf upset to see the sadness on a happy day.

"Mother and father were killed," Axel says through his teeth. "and Eleanor. She tried to save them but-"

"By?" I question. "Where's her baby? Is she safe?"

"A group of Strigoi," his eyes meet mine. "She's ours now.."

"They killed our parents too," a tall, pale, red headed man said standing next to a identical woman. I noted the sharp canines in his mouth that flashed when he talked.


"You refused to give the Bourne child up and my parents refused to help get the child. We may be vampires, but the Strigoi are devil beings." the woman spat.

"I see, what happens now?"

"For us, we marry our loved ones tomorrow and prepare with your kind." the man says.

"For me? What are we preparing for?"

"WAR! They called it upon themselves! They murdered our Queens and Kings, threatening our well beings! Our children! We will fight Bethany. We will marry and fight-"

"I am with child," I grind out in the horrid moment. The sobbing stops as all eyes shift to me. "The fight will not happen without our child in the world, and that Bourne child? I've merely met her once and I will treat her as my own. She is my daughter now and will be treated as so Axel Monroe. I know you think she is horrid for starting such a thing but I will not be the end of things, she will. You'll see. " I turn on my heel.

"With child? In war?" the Moroi woman asks.

"With child. Not in war. It won't happen yet, it was prophisised. This isn't going down how we all think it will," I sigh. "This is much for one evening. Everyone out and rest. Do it. At the command of your incoming queen." I touch my face.

I didn't want this... What will happen now? Will we be able to save all we know? Will our children live?

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