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Chapter 10-

 Eight years from today, I gave birth to a glorious baby boy, a perfect heir. Deacon Axel Monroe has been the most rowdy child I’ve ever laid eyes on but Axel was beyond pleased. Soon after our marriage, which was only a week after the death of the King and Queen, my stomach was already swollen larger than normal and the kingdom (the wolf half plus the Moroi-Dhampir half) was preparing for the declared war that could happen at any moment.

 Before Deacon, people were under stress and Axel kept me under guard. Nothing’s changed now. Sicily Bourne was growing at a steady pace along with Deacon. That girl is a strange creature she is.

She has the longest, dark brown hair in perfect ringlets. Bright blue red ringed eyes, and the body of a ten year old. Her personality is unfathomable! She is the most ignorant, snooty, and powerful eight year old there is, to anyone who has a lower rank than her foster family that is... Which is practically everyone since Axel and I are her family. To us, she’s the perfect daughter, the most kind I’d say.

 Sicily has showed signs of power though. She can shift. She can move faster than normal wolves. She can control air. She has a slight weakness to sunlight, but she tends to predict things more spot on than Eric and Genevieve's eldest daughter, Angeline whom has taken Eric’s shifting abilities too, could.

Usually, a shifter will shift at ten, maybe twelve if they’re royal anytime between or sooner but Sicily had shifted at the young age of five along with Deacon.

 Deacon... That boy! Though he is merely eight years of age, it is easy to tell he has alpha and king blood in his veins. His build is of a young alpha and he has taken on my colors with Axel’s eyes, much like Sicily if you think about it. He loves to be in command and to cause something between he and Sicily.. yet it doesn’t phase her.

 There seems to be a bond between the two that no matter the amount of taunting that flows between them brings nothing ever changes. They act like siblings and best friends.

“DEACON!” Head Maiden Farland screamed at the top of her lungs. “SICILY!!!!!” I could hear the quick patterning and stomping of the children's feet as the scrambled up the stairs.

I watched from a few feet away from the top of the stairs as the two toppled over one another. Deacon and Sicily saw me and they dove under my skirts as Head Maiden Farland reached the top of the stairs.

“Don’t let her catch us momma,” Deacon whispered.

“Please!” Sicily whined. “She’ll paddle us!”

 A smirk played at  my lips as I recalled the day Axel told Head Maiden Farland she had rights to punish the children on good reason. Farland looked at me, then my skirts and I nodded. As she headed toward me, I heard a loud squeak and hushed voices. I turned and saw Angeline and her year younger brother Harry trying to run before we saw them. As they turned the corner, they ran into the legs of someone they wish they would’ve never ran into. Axel.

 They looked up in terror as he grabbed the collar of Harry’s shirt and Angeline’s gown as he drug them to Farland. “Children,” he said with a smirk only Farland and I could read. “What did you do to anger Mrs.Farland today?” No one spoke. He lifted my skirts and looked at Deacon, challenging him. “Young alphas listen to their fathers when they ask questions. Deacon, what did you do?”

I heard Deacon suck in a breath before he stood. He pushed his shoulders back and looked Axel in the eyes. “We were rough housing and running from Head Maiden when we-”

“We broke the big chandelier in the dining hall and some of the china,” Harry confessed, tears in his eyes.

“I’m sorry pappa, momma, Head Maiden,” Angeline said with her head down, her hand on Harry’s shoulder. A single tear hit her pale green gown, making a dark streak.

“I’m sorry too. We behaved inappropriately-” Sicily started to say when Deacon punched her arm.

“SHUSH!” he growled.

Axel was about to protest when both Angeline and Sicily agreed. We all stood silently and listened. Just beyond the castle walls, there were howls and yips.. Warnings.

 Axel looked at all of of faces before tearing down the corridors towards his study. He’s calling in everyone. The Strigoi have picked now for their attack.

 In a few hours, the castle became multiple bustling war brigades. Werewolves, Moroi, Dhampir, and any other magical creatures readied themselves for the oncoming battle. No one knew what to expect, the Strigoi could battle with anything, anyone, and they only wanted one thing-


 Sicily was stubborn about staying locked away with teen Dhampir Brent, and her cousin Angeline, but Angeline had trained her whole life for this moment- Protect Sicily Brent had trained since he could walk to protect the Moroi. They come first were the words to echo in his mind while on duty. His duty now was to protect the most wanted. Sicily Bourne, the werewolf-Moroi-Strigoi hybrid.

 While Axel and Deacon readied the troops, the Alchemists readied me. It was a secret plan for me that only the head Alchemist and I were aware of. We’ve been practicing for weeks, getting our chant down to perfection. A new world was to be born, my children saved, the world saved.

One life for millions of others. That’s more than fair.

“Come, Axel has just lead the troops out,”  the head Alchemist said.

“This is terrifying Lilianna. I never got to say goob-”

“Yes. I understand, but that is what your note was for,” she smiled sympathetically at me. “We must go miss. To the top of the Aelishian mountain-”

“Yes.. My finest mare is ready in the stables, hidden away,” I say with a sigh.

“Good. Lets head out. It’ll take at least half of a turn of the hour.”

I nod, “Lead the way."

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