02 - New Kid

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~ Finn's POV ~

"So, you're new here right?"

I turn to face the girl sitting next to me. Her hair is tied into three loose buns that run down the back of her head and she flashes me a bright smile. She's wearing a cropped tank top and ripped jeans that are cuffed at the bottom.

"Uh..yeah I'm new here." I hold out my hand, "I'm Finn."

She shakes my hand and smiles again, "I'm Rey, nice to meet you! Could I see your schedule? I wanna see if we have any other classes together."

I slide my phone to her side of the desk and she scrolls through the list of classes.

"Looks like we have Calculus and Space Biology together!" she hands my phone back to me.

"Oh, cool!" I say, shoving my phone back into my bag.

"You enjoying your first day so far?"

"Yeah, this is so much better than my old public school."

"If you don't mind me asking, why'd you decide to switch schools for your senior year? You're only gonna be with us for one year and then you're off to college."

"It is kinda stupid for that reason, but there was a lot of stuff going on at my old school and I felt really pressured most of the time."

"Oh, that's too bad," she looks up at me with a reassuring gaze, "I hope things are better for you here!"

"Yeah, I hope so too."

Looks like this year might not be so bad.


10:25 the clock reads. 

I watch it tick by as the teacher drags the class on and on. 

I hear Rey sigh and mutter something under her breath as she stares down at her phone. From what I can see, it looks like she's texting someone. A guy from the front row reaches into his backpack and pulls out a phone. He looks down at his screen and then up at Rey.

Holy shit.

A mess of brown curls sits atop his head and his glare is so sharp it could probably stab right through me.

But he only stares in my direction for a second before turning back around.

He's definitely out of my league but I can't stop myself from glancing at him every ten seconds.

"Hey, who's that guy you're talking to?" I whisper at Rey.

"Him?" she points subtly to the guy who had just turned around seconds ago, "His name's Poe."


Rey looks back down at her phone and texts who I assume would be Poe.

"Why don't you come sit with us at lunch and I can introduce you to everyone?"

"That sounds great!" I smile, resting my chin on my palm.

I've barely even been at this school for a couple hours and I already feel loved more than ever before.

This school is definitely a huge upgrade from the public middle and high school that attended previously. No one has tried to shove me into a wall or a locker yet so I'd say I'm pretty safe here. At my old school, people were constantly bullying and taunting me and beating me up just because I'm bisexual and black. 

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