Get to Know the Characters

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For new readers, here's some info about the characters for you to look over before you start reading! There aren't really spoilers, unless you haven't seen TROS, but there are some hints towards things that will be mentioned during the story. You don't have to read this, but if you want to get to know the characters before reading, then you're welcome to do so!

I decided to add this chapter after I had already started the story, so for those who have already started reading, you already know most of this, but it's just here in case you want to look back at it later!


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All main characters are seniors!

Main Friend Group Info:

Poe Dameron --

~ closeted gay

~ single but falling head-over-heels for a guy i won't name

~ 18 years old

~ the trouble-maker and self-assertive dumbass

Jessika Pava [goes by Jess] --

~ raging lesbian

~ single and ready to mingle

~ 18 years old

~ the mom of the group

Rey Palpatine [prefers to go by Rey but also goes by Palpy] --

~ bisexual queen

~ single and possibly hardcore crushing on two different people

~ 17 years old

~ the chaotic friend who won't think twice about punching you in the throat

Rose Tico --

~ bi curious

~ single

~ 17 years old

~ the super-shy-until-you-get-to-know-her friend

Temmin Wexley [goes by Snap] --

~ asexual boi

~ single

~ 17 years old

~ the chill and laid back friend who's also very sarcastic

Finn [doesn't have a known last name but would gladly go with Dameron if he had to choose one *winks aggressively*] --

~ a smol bisexual babie

~ single but crushing on a certain guy

~ 17 years old

~ the awkward bean of the group

Zorii Bliss --

~ possibly pansexual

~ single but might be crushing on an unnamed character

~ 18 years old

~ that friend who knows all the drama and ruins peoples lives with it

Poe and Jess are the OGs and they became friends at the Mandalore District Kindergarten Program when they were both 6 years old. It was just the two of them until they met Snap in middle school.

Snap started at Mandalore District Middle School (MDMS) in sixth grade and became friends with Poe and Jess in seventh grade.

Rey started at Mandalore District High School (MDHS) in freshman year and joined the friend group later that same year

Rose started at MDHS in freshman year as well, but didn't join the friend group until junior year

Finn and Zorri both start at MDHS in senior year (where the story begins) and have yet to join the friend group

Side Characters/Friend Group:

Ben Solo [if he's going through his emo phase then he goes by Kylo Ren] --

~ straight (ew)

~ single

~ 18 years old

~ the emo boi of the group

Armitage Hux [goes by Hux] --

~ gay as hell but denies it

~ single but would do anything to be with Ben

~ 17 years old

~ that friend who is smol and cute but also bullies people

Phasma [unknown last name] --

~ queen of the lesbians

~ single

~ 17 years old

~ willing to kick anyone's ass if it gains her popularity

Ben and Hux started at Mandalore District Elementary (MDE) but didn't meet each other until fourth grade

Phasma started at MDHS in freshman year and joined the friend group almost immediately

Ben was suspended in the middle of freshman year and ended up getting homeschooled up until senior year

Some birthday info:

Poe, Zorri, Jess & Ben -- summer birthdays, which makes them the oldest in their class because their birthdays occur before the school year starts

~ Poe's birthday is in early June

~ Zorri's birthday is in the middle of September

~ Jess' birthday is in late July

~ Ben's birthday is in early August

Rey & Phasma -- autumn birthdays, which makes them the average ages but on the somewhat older side of the class

~ Rey's birthday is in early October

~ Phasma's birthday is in early November

Snap & Hux -- winter birthdays, which also makes them the average ages, but whether they're on the older side or the younger side is debatable

~ Snap's birthday is in late February

~ Hux's birthday is in the middle of December

Rose & Finn -- spring birthdays, which makes them some of the youngest in their class because their birthdays are at the end of the school year

~ Rose's birthday is in the middle of May

~ Finn's birthday is in early March

If there's anything you think I should add, just let me know and I'll write it in!

Enjoy the story! <3

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